Valerie Stepanoff

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Valerie Stepanoff
Culture Cirréonese
Religion {{{religion}}}
Gender {{{gender}}}
Race Human
Ethnicity {{{ethnicity}}}
Nationality Cirréone
Title(s) {{{titles}}}
Age {{{age}}}
Birth {{{birth}}}
Death {{{death}}}
Player {{{player}}}

⚠️The following information is considered external lore, containing events that did not influence the characters or the world of Cinder.⚠️
Valerie Stepanoff was a Cirréonese philosopher, political theorist, economist, historian, journalist and revolutionary socialist. Her best known works are her pamphlet Black Capital, and her book Capital, And Its Crushing Weight, both written during the height of the Cirréonese Industrial Revolution; the latter being a critical analysis of capitalismemploying philosophical and economic concepts to call for the collectivisation of the means of production in the workers by means of a revolution. Stepanoff's ideas and their subsequent development, collectively known as Stepanism, have had enormous influence on modern intellectual, economic and political history, especially in Cirréone, whereby Classical Stepanism is the state ideology.

Born in Léttona in the Republic of Cirréone, Stepanoff studied at the University of Milacieur and received a doctorate in philosophy at age 24. Influenced by the new philosophies emerging from the Republican Government, she would write many texts on democracy, both criticising and developing the theory surrounding them. At age 29, Stepanoff would begin reading into proto-socialist economics and politics, and would begin developing her theory of communism. After over a decade of writing, this would culminate in her book Capital, And Its Crushing Weight, regarded as the first major text of socialist and communist theory. Following this, she would famously write the pamphlet Black Capital, in aims of recruiting more in her home nation, Cirréone, as to her political ideology. Black Capital would rise to be the single most reprinted political text in Cirréone, often printed secretly as to evade government interference. This would land her expelled from Cirréone. Subsequently, she would move to Wolfberg, where she would continue to write in secrecy, while living under a false name. Aged 66, she would pass away peacefully at her home in Wolfberg.

Stepanoff's critiques of history, society and political economy would outline her beliefs as to the harsh negative impacts of capital, and the inherent social divide it brings in form of class divide. Her works would illustrate her theory of the international War on Capital, a theoretical term dictating the need for several revolutions across Cinder, across time, to reach an eventual goal of all nations having socialist governments, and the complimentary theory of the national and international communes, by which national communes should first be formed prior to international union within a socialist system. Her political works would be undoubtedly influential, inspiring numerous socialist thinkers, theorists and revolutionists for the over a century to come. Her works would also inspire the state ideologies of many nations


