
From CinderCivs Wiki
Revision as of 21:29, 26 May 2024 by Nitwitting (talk | contribs) (Added history and government to Nauticca)
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Nauticca is a democratic country located in Western Cinder along the Lakes of Mondego led by The Coterie of Nauticca. It's capital is Borinu, located at [2500, -200], in which there is the Borinu Market, an international marketplace which heavily contributes to Nauticca's focus on trading. It was first founded by Commander Nitalia Witting on the 14/02/2024, and its only current Commander is Commander Nitalia Witting. It follows The Canons of a Nautilus.


Roleplay History

[to be edited]

In-Game History

Nauticca was founded by Nitalia Witting on the 14/02/2024. The Borinu Market was opened on the 01/03/2024. Borinu was Nauticca's only settlement until Sakuraville was founded by Yuei Kanzaki on the 21/04/2024.



The Democracy of Nauticca abides by The Canons of a Nautilus, of which is effectively its constitution. Nauticca is a constitutional democracy led by The Coterie, of which is a group of up to three Commanders; Commanders are Citizens of Nauticca individually appointed through methods of election occurring at any point and serve until their dismissal through methods of expulsion or their own resignation.