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Commonwealth of Sanéa
Commonwealth banner Flag of Sanéa
Map of claimable areas showing the territory of Nauticca in pink
Population 5 citizens
Demonym Nauticcan
Location West Cinder; the Lakes of Mondego
Head of Government The Coterie, Commander Nitalia Witting
Religion Secular
Constitution of the Democracy of Nauticca

Nauticca is a democratic nation located in Western Cinder along the Lakes of Mondego led by The Coterie of Nauticca. It's capital is Borinu, located at [2500, -200], in which there is the Borinu Market, an international marketplace which heavily contributes to Nauticca's focus on trading. It was first founded by Commander Nitalia Witting on the 14/02/2024, and its only current Commander is Commander Nitalia Witting. It follows The Canons of a Nautilus.



Roleplay History

[to be edited]

In-Game History

Nauticca was founded by Nitalia Witting on the 14/02/2024. The Borinu Market was opened on the 01/03/2024. Borinu was Nauticca's only settlement until Sakuraville was founded by Yuei Kanzaki on the 21/04/2024.


Government and Politics


The Democracy of Nauticca abides by The Canons of a Nautilus, of which is effectively its constitution. Nauticca is a constitutional democracy led by The Coterie, of which is a group of up to three Commanders; Commanders are Citizens of Nauticca individually appointed through methods of election occurring at any point and serve until their dismissal through methods of expulsion or their own resignation.


Nauticca does not have any formal subdivisions, though naturally it has different areas and settlements of which being:

  • Borinu - Capital Settlement managed by Commander Nitalia Witting [-2500 -200]
  • Sakuraville - Settlement managed by Citizen Yuei Kanzaki [-2000 20]
  • Tebatari - Settlement [-3450 -500]
  • Eseron Forests - Area managed by The Coterie

