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The original and current flag of Arboria

The Lands of Arboria, simply referred to as Arboria, is an Oligarchy that is headed by its Great Council. Located in the central Western area of Cinder [-2500, -1000], the nation borders Ritannia's province of Barbacena to its West, The Order of the Water Lily to its Northeast, and Nauticca to its South. Arboria shares territory with both Nauticca (in the Southwestern claims of Arboria) and its allies within the Western Pact (due South of its Capitol, Verdania).

Arboria was officially founded upon the 1st of April, 2024, by the current members of its Great Council, namely Moth, VexForce, JamesTowne, and SheepKingSheep, with the sight of foundation being the city of Verdania.