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Dual Circle of Egjenism
Founding (Lore)TBA
Founding (Real Life)09/09/2023
ScriptureEgjenist Chronicles
LanguageDanúvian, Common
Place of OriginDanúvia
Number of Followersvery low, near extinct

Egjenism is a dualist Religion, first formalized by Miklos Némann after the translation, bridging-together and summarising of old proto-danúvian scrolls. It once acted as formal state religion of the nations of Danúvia, Mustyria and Danúvia-Scneimunt. But due to the spreading of Pyrannism in Mustyria and the Scetétian Translation by Nykol Haartmann, only a few isolated communities remain in the country of Hollenberg (formerly Danúvia-Scneimunt). The Dual Church of Egjenism is officially defunct and the position of Équator remains vacant ever since.


The teachings of Egjenism offer the follower two different paths to walk on.

the Path of Fén

the path of Fén, which encourages a spiritual, communal and simple way of life. Often pursued by people from lower social classes, such as workers and slaves

The Path of Scetét

The path of Scetét, which encourages a materialist, individualist and more luxurious way of life. Often pursued by members of the upper social classes, such as merchants, nobles and members of the bourgeoisie.

Dualism and acceptance

While opposing life styles are being taught by the 2 patrons, followers of Egjenism are expected to respect the other path and there are even those that "walk both parts", choosing to follow what they believe is the best from both worlds.

Dualist Church of Egjenism

The dualist Church of Egjenism was a single Organisation and the official institution of the Egjenist faith. It was headed by the so called "Equatór" who acted as unifier and ensured continuing co-existence, acceptance and cooperation between the paths of Fén and Scétet.

The Equator was selected by the most prestigious Egjenists of Danuvia.On one hand,by Scetétian bishops that have risen in rank, making use of their skills, heritage and influence, on the other hand by popular priests of Fén that have garnered support from the commoner to be able to fullfil their purpose as dedicated follower of Fén and Egjenism.

Religious texts

the following Egjenist religious texts were brought together to form the Egjenist chronicles.

Origin Story

Once Upon a time, two brothers, bearing the names of Fén and Scetét, roamed through the vastness of chaos and nothingness. They sought a home for themselves so they decided to make a dent into the chaos, setting the foundations for a paradise, the lands of Cinder.

As it is only natural for brothers to compete with one another over control, they sought to avoid unnecessary conflict and divided their new home into 2 realms. Fén would become Lord of the spiritual realm, while Scetét would be granted total control over the realm of matter.

The two brothers wanted to share their paradise with beings, worthy of calling the lands of Cinder their home as well. So they created us. We, who would always walk in both the realm of Fén, with our mind, and the realm of Scétet, with our body.

For us chosen, the eternal patrons laid out 2 paths:

The path of Fén, that teaches us to let go of personal property, to live in a simple and communal way as well as to fully devouch one's mind to Fén, with the body merely a tool to fully walk the path of light.

The Path of Scetét, that teaches us to watch out for ourselves, to live an individualist and materialist way of life, with the mind merely a tool to fully walk the path of darkness.

Yet one can never rid himself of one realm completely, as we walk in both worlds, and has to pay respect to either of the divine, so as to not be consumed by chaos.

Birth of Fén and Scetét

In time immemorial, there were but two, who had existed for all eternity. These two were Egjen, Lord of Balance and Justice, and Végzet, the Primordial Chaos. For an eternity the two had existed in constant conflict, as Végzet sought to consume Egjen entirely and bring about pure and eternal chaos. So ravenous was her hunger that Egjen needed to fight back against her constantly, he could never win, only hold her off.

Egjen knew that he could not fight her off forever however, and so sought to strike a deal with Végzet. He would allow for himself to be consumed, but only if she would bear him a child. Egjen had wished for a place that could permanently resist chaos, yet had come to realize that only beings evolving from chaos could be powerful enough to create a big enough dent within chaos to establish such a paradise.

Végzet, not realizing his intentions, readily agreed to this, knowing not that she would birth beings able to defeat her. With this agreement formed, Egjen was consumed, and at the same time two beings burst forth from her, Fén, Lord of Light, and Scetét, Lord of Darkness. The two, though only newly born drove their mother back, leaving a great void behind, where they could begin their creation.

A Treatise on the Behavior of the Priests of Fén
