St. Augustine

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St. Augustine
Culture {{{culture}}}
Religion Christianity (formerly), Angelicism
Gender Male
Race Human (formerly), Angel (formerly), Fallen Angel
Ethnicity {{{ethnicity}}}
Nationality American (formerly), Angelic (formerly)
Title(s) Elder Justice of the Angelic Court (formerly), Patron Saint of Chickens
Age 38 (human), 59 (human+angelic)
Birth Augustine James Wellsman

March 19th, 1859 Cross Village Township, Michigan, U.S.

Death August 12th, 1897 (aged 38)

Cross Village Township, Michigan, U.S.

Player Augustus_Paddle

St. Augustine was a character played by Augustus_Paddle from March 13th through May 9th.


  • Augustine broke all of his bones in his life causing him to travel only through flight in death
  • Despite him relying on his wings, they are the size of a chicken's wings
  • Augustine voted for James A. Garfield