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Lands of Arboria
Capital Verdania
Culture Arborian
Location Western Cinder; the Evonian Sea
Government Oligarchy
Leader The Great Council
Religion Secular
Legislature The Rustles of the Tree's Leaves
Date of Founding (IRL) April 1 2024
Date of Founding (LORE) {{{founding_date_lore}}}

The Lands of Arboria, simply referred to as Arboria, is an Oligarchy that is headed by its Great Council. Located in the central Western area of Cinder [-2500, -1000], the nation borders Ritannia's province of Barbacena to its West, The Order of the Water Lily to its Northeast, and Nauticca to its South. Arboria shares territory with both Nauticca (in the Southwestern claims of Arboria) and both Cauldra and Nauticca on behalf of the Western Pact (due South of its Capitol, Verdania).


The name of Arboria is derived from the Latin word of 'Arbor', which means tree. Trees are a focal point of Arborian settlements and culture.


Arboria was officially founded upon the 1st of April, 2024, by the current members of its Great Council, namely Moth, VexForce, JamesTowne, and SheepKingSheep, with the sight of foundation being the city of Verdania.


Arboria is a vast and diverse landscape. The Eastern portions of Arboria, primarily Verdania, Mossy Nook, and Willowmere, are almost exclusively plains, with giant trees and much greener decorating the population epicenters. Meanwhile, the Northwestern, Western, and Southwestern parts of Arboria are almost all flat savanna. While the biomes of Arboria are primarily made up of both plains and savanna biomes, a large mountain peak separates the city of Verdania from the town of Mossy Nook. The Evonian Sea comprises the Eastern coastline of Arboria.


Arboria go brrr



Government and Politics


International Affairs