Toain Sealy

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Revision as of 04:09, 1 June 2024 by Toainsully (talk | contribs) (Links)
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Toain Sealy
Culture {{{culture}}}
Religion Non-Religious
Gender Male
Race Human
Ethnicity {{{ethnicity}}}
Nationality Kraftian (Formerly Crannog)
Title(s) Prime Minister of Kraftia
Age 47 years
Birth {{{birth}}}
Death {{{death}}}
Player Toainsully

Toain is the current Prime Minister of Kraftia and the leader of the Socialist Remnant Party as well as the former Chairperson for the now collapsed Socialist State of Crannoghold

Early Life


[To be written]

Life as a Nomad

Early days in Crannoghold

Chairperson of the Socialist State of Crannoghold

Dawn of a new era

Hope and Prosperity

Collapse of the State



[To be written]