Holy Pyrannic Empire

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The Holy Pyrannic Empire is a nation located in south Cinder, neighboring the Angelic Nation, Kurutuk, Anneimd, and Danouvia-Sneimunt. The HPE consists of a collection of states federated underneath the Holy Pyrannic Emperor, and is mixed theocratic, imperial, and federal system.


It consists of the following states:

State Date joined
Loire 22-03-2024
Ashenstrand 22-03-2024


The Holy Pyrannic Empire was formed on the 22nd of March in 2024 by unification of the two current states, Loire (was Grand Papal States) and Ashenstrand (was Free City of Ashenstrand).

The announcement by Pope Swonki I on the 22nd reads as follows:


As the world turns, and the sun rises on a troubled south, plagued by war and tyranny, a gleam of peace, security, and safety in the darkness has been grasped, just as Pyr intends for the world to be.

The Grand Papal State, the center of the Papacy and Orthodox Pyrannic Church, has worked with the Pyrannic believers of Ashenstrand to form a new state. One founded on Pyrannism, on freedom from tyranny, and on equality.

Together, they have formed the Holy Pyrannic Empire.

The Empire is composed of the 2 states of Loire and Ashenstrand, as well as the Papal Territories; the properties and regions under direct church authority.

The Empire is one of a confederacy of equal states, each with equal say in the operations of the Empire, under an Emperor, a position currently being voted on as we speak. The states are self governing, and maintain much of the national operations, whilst the imperial government organizes the execution of the law, foreign affairs, and leadership in war. The Imperial Diet, the Emperor, the States, and the Papacy, all work together to maintain everything.

Pyr bless us all, for under them, peace shall reign, in the empire, and in our troubled world.





Religious leaders

Pope Swonki I (Pyrannism) [date start - date end]

State leaders


[Full username] (Boomy) [date start - date end]