Toain Sealy

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Toain Sealy
Culture {{{culture}}}
Religion Non-Religious
Gender Male
Race Human
Ethnicity {{{ethnicity}}}
Nationality Kraftian (Formerly Crannog)
Title(s) Prime Minister of Kraftia
Age 47 years
Birth {{{birth}}}
Death {{{death}}}
Player Toainsully

Toain is the current Prime Minister of Kraftia and the leader of the Socialist Remnant Party as well as the former Chairperson for the now collapsed Socialist State of Crannoghold

Early Life


Not much is known about Toain's childhood, but it was said that they were born in an unknown tribe located within the Void of Nations. At the age of sixteen, Toain returned from a scouting mission to find the tribe completely ravaged by Illagers. Saddened by his loss, he set off northwards after a dying tribesman told him about civilisation.

Life as a Nomad

The journey from the Void of Nations was a tough and gruelling one. To Toain, travelling at night was a game of luck with the amount of undead, creepers and spiders lurking around. He even passed by Shikaga whilst en-route through Istraks as well as taking a boat around Syradine

Early days in Crannoghold

On 9th September 2023, Toain wandered into Crannoghold after days of wandering the wilderness. The tribesmen viewed him as an outsider which forced Toain to seek refuge in the eastern outskirts carving his home within a mountain. Two days later, the tribesmen started to build trust with Toain after he was taught of their culture and constructed a house to live in (which took about two weeks). After learning about the "Post of Relatively Important Tasks," he explained to Chief Boggers that in order for Crannoghold to thrive in the future, they would need to build what was written on the Post.

Toain learnt about the other nations around Crannoghold, even gaining the trust of Kraftia's leader, RaspiestDeer. Both people constructed the "Kraftia-Crannoghold Road" which would make travel between the countries easier than having to traverse swamps and woodlands. This construction feat would allow Toain to become a part of the Chief's Moot earning the nickname, "Messenger of the Chief"

Chairperson of the Socialist State of Crannoghold

Dawn of a new era

Hope and Prosperity

Collapse of the State



[To be written]