Antoine Nouveau

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Antoine Nouveau de Fontaine
Culture Fontanian Diryn
Religion Celestialism
Gender Male
Race Water Spirit
Ethnicity {{{ethnicity}}}
Nationality Sanean
Title(s) Chief Justice of Sanéa


Prefect of Fontaine

High Priest of Celestialism

Son of Lunaqua

Age 28
Birth Born in the village of Sferracavallo to a Diryn father and Proto-Fontanian mother.
Death {{{death}}}
Player Joaobr34

Antoine Nouveau de Fontaine is a Sanéan politician and the Chief Justice of Sanéa for all of it's history (so far). He is famously the leader and founder of the Reformist Party of Sanéa and pioneer of Sanéa's judicial system. He is also the founder and leader of the Church of Celestialism (founded after a schism with the Church of Sol) though this is a much lesser known and discussed fact.

Early Life

Antoine was born in the small village of Sferracavallo before it became a part of any organized state. His father, a Diryn, died while rescuing Testifikans from a house fire when he was only four years old. This forced his mother, a Proto-Fontanian (a group of people originating from the far east beyond Cinder), to raise the young Antoine by herself. When Antoine reached the age of 7, him and his mother moved to the city of Palermo in what at the time was the Duchy of Dyrenar. It was in Palermo that Antoine began to grow an interest in the areas of law, politics, history, science, and the arts. His mother, through her incredible and cunning wit, managed to rise her and her son to the rank of nobility within the duchy. This allowed Antoine to have unfettered access to be best forms of education available in the duchy.

Antoine was largely considered a polymath, easily understanding a variety of topics and even being able to expand upon all of them. By the age of 11 he was fluent in Diryn, Danuvian, Fontanian, Parakascean, and Rittanian. He was respected by his professors and classmates alike for his great intelligence and compassion for a noble. But Antoine's life would come crashing down when he was 13. Another fire would wreak havoc in Antoine's life as he is stuck inside of his family's burning manor. When all seemed bleak and he felt as if death had reached him, his mother ran to him and shield him from the fire. This act caused for a bright flash of light to overtake the night sky and soon after a sudden torrential rain poured down on the city completely putting out the fire. Antoine's mother had been the successor to the divine title of Lunaqua without her ever knowing, and her selfless sacrifice and undying desire to protect her son unleashed her divinity. But, due to her becoming a divine being, she was no longer allowed to live among mortals for extended periods of time, therefore she was forced to leave her 13 year old son alone in an unforgiving world. Additionally, as a side effect of Lunaqua's powers being unleashed so close to Antoine, he was stripped of his humanity and turned into a being of pure water capable of taking on any shape and hydrokinesis.

After those events, Antoine went through a long period of depression. Due to losing both his father and mother to fires, Antoine became antagonistic towards fire and deities that ruled it. Antoine was never the same after this event, some say this is what brought about his snarky attitude. But, despite all his suffering, Antoine kept going and succeeding, eventually graduating from Tintorini University at the age of 17 with a major in political science. After graduating he would resume his role as the head of House Nouveau and begin to truly establish himself in the world stage.

Political Career

Founding of Fontaine

After coming back from Tintorini, Antoine decided to leave Palermo and establish a new city based on Diryn and Fontanian cultures and ideals. He would found the city Fontaine at the southern most point of the Vita River where a small Testifikan village lied. With financial assitance from Palermo and support from his friends Sol Aureus and Gabriel Dante, Antoine began the creation of a great city. Gabriel specifically began to live in Fontaine being the chief architect in the construction of the Cathedral of Fontaine.

Overthrow of Quentin Kazymir

What is probably Antoine's greatest early achievement: he was chosen to be the judge during the trial of Duke Quentin Kazymir. Though Antoine had his personal grievances with the Duke, Antoine knew that honesty and justice were crucial in the court of law and that a new Diryn nation could not be founded on a foundation of lies. That is why he promised himself to hereinafter to never allow for his personal bias to affect his judgement and that his decision would be purely based on the arguments presented at trial.

The trial proved to be a tense and long ordeal. The stakes could not be higher. As prosecutor Dante presented her arguments and Duke Kazymir defended his dignity, Antoine watched and listened to every detail formulating a decision based on every word and action made by the two individuals. The events of the trial were televised and reported throughout all of Cinder, the world stood still waiting for Antoine's decision. In the end, Duke Kazymir was declared guilty on all accounts and sentenced to death. The Duke would soon be executed publicly by guillotine as spectators from all over Cinder watched. In these events, Antoine found himself as the judge, jury, and executioner.

Chief Justice of Dirynum and Minister of the Interior

After the overthrow of Kazymir, a new duke was selected: Cyrus the Benevolent. The new duke gathered all the noble houses of Dyrinum and built from the old regime a new and even more powerful Diryn state. From these gatherings, Antoine found himself with the positions of Chief Justice and Minister of the Interior. This would mark the first time Antoine held political positions. This period was rather uneventful for Antoine, with Sol Aureus and Cyrus taking most of the international spotlight, but Antoine was content with bidding his time.

Unification of Sanéa