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Rain of Loire
Culture Loiric, Wolfbergian
Religion Pyrannism
Gender Male
Race Human
Ethnicity Wolfbergian
Nationality Holy Pyrannic Empire
Title(s) Emperor of the Holy Pyrannic Empire

Duke of Loire

Age 50
Birth {{{birth}}}
Death {{{death}}}
Player RainTM

Duke-Emperor Rain of Loire and the Holy Pyrannic Empire (49) has been emperor of the Holy Pyrannic Empire since June 6th, 2024. He has been duke of the Loire state in the Holy Pyrannic Empire since June 3rd, 2024.

This character is played by Rain (RainTM)


Early Life in Wolfberg

Rain was born in the former nation of Wolfberg (currently known as Louveberg in the International Commune).

Wolfberg was a tribal nation and as a descendant of the leading tribe within Wolfberg he rose to power at the age of 20.

Life in Rosendaele

After deciding a beneficial pact for both sides, President Allan Abernathy and Jarl Rain of Wolfberg signed the Rosenberg pact. This pact eventually resulted in both countries merging into Rosendaele. Rain was appointed Prime Minister with Allan Abernathy being President.

Short independence

Following multiple riots and attacks President Allan Abernathy fled Rosendaele on December 15th, 2023. For a mere day Wolfberg was independent with more chaos brewing in the region. The following day Rain also fled the country after accepting an invitation from Pope Swonki I to settle in the Grand Papal States.

Life in the Grand Papal States

On December 17th, 2023 Rain settled close by Mont Loire, a mountain with a Pyrannic Abbey located on top of it.


History of titles
Title Begin Date End Date
Emperor of the Holy Pyrannic Empire June 6th, 2024 N/A
Duke of Loire June 3rd, 2024 N/A
High Mayor of Loire January 19th, 2024 June 3rd, 2024
Jarl of Wolfberg September 26th, 2023 December 16th, 2023

Rain declared himself duke following decree of the Imperial Diet from May 4th, 2024.