Kozar Host

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Capital Kossberg
Culture Kozar
Location Northwest of Morpork above lake Nur
Government Despotic Decentralized State
Leader Johanna Koch, Ataman of the Kozar Host
Religion Secular
Legislature None
Date of Founding (IRL) 8 December 2024
Date of Founding (LORE) No Calender Yet

The Kozar Host is a State location to the northwest of Ankh-Morpork made up of the Kozars who were semi-nomadic free settlers and a mix of Pyrannic and Tarnoslavians, though mostly developed their own culture along the way

Kossberg was founded in the 7th of December as a Free City by Johanna Koch who later declared herself Ataman of the Kozar Host

The First flag consists of a White Cross with 2 symmetrical Yellow triangles with 2 Green symmetrical triangles, Green representing the Fertility of people and land, and the Yellow representing the Firelights of homes. The White x cross representing freedom and the free settlers who travelled to Kossberg and the Black + cross being the Army symbol along with Kozar martial tradition.

Founding and the End

The Founding of the Kozar Host was by Johanna Koch from the Pyrannic Empire who seeked to create a new nation for the Kozars, finding a rancher village and declaring it to be Kossberg, the New Capital City and a day later proclaiming

"As the founder of Kossberg, I hereby proclaim myself as Ataman of the Kozar Host and ruler of all Kozaria and expect all Nations to respect that title, We will also be opening new diplomatic avenue for other nations and seek investment, trade and other opportunities to develop our nation, We claim the regions northwest to Morpock and we will detail our claims soon, Long Live the Ataman!"

The Kozar Host made a deal vassalizing themselves to the Pyrannic Empire

Johanna Koch died shortly after from a fall on the calcite mountain, leading to the seperation of the Kozar Host which was already weakly tied together .