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Revision as of 21:49, 26 May 2024 by Memarios (talk | contribs) (Added flag)
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A tricolor flag, with red on the top, black in the middle and white on the bottom, with a lightning bolt in the middle.
The flag of the Revolutionary State of Cauldra.

The Revolutionary State of Cauldra ("RS. Cauldra" / "Cauldra") is a nation in central/western Cinder. Cauldra follows the Revolutionist ideology, and is, along with many other Revolutionary nations, a member of the Revolutionary Internationale ("Revintern"). Cauldra was formed from the Kingdom of Cauldra through a revolution on the 22nd of November 2023, led by the ex-chairman Dimeadosen.

The current (and only) leading party in Cauldra is known as the United Cauldran Party ("UCP"), and is led by chairman GlitchTime.