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Commonwealth of Sanéa
Commonwealth banner Flag of Sanéa
Map of claimable areas showing the territory of Sanéa in gold
Population 18–20 citizens
Demonym Sanéan
Location East-central Cinder; the Sanéan Ocean
Heads of State Diarchs Cyrus the Benevolent and Luís Kazymir
Head of Government Consul Ivan Elstrøm
Religion Secular
Constitution of the Commonwealth of Sanéa

Sanéa (/sə.ne.æ/), officially the Commonwealth of Sanéa, is a Democratic Diarchy located in the near-spawn area and global south. It was founded on march 17th of the year 2024 upon the unification of the Duchy of Dyrinum and the Principate of Messenia. The capital of Sanéa is Alaetia, located towards the northern end of the Commonwealth. Sanéa borders Sprúsia in the east, the Federation of Firgards in the south-west, and the Arch-Duchy of Kothmire and the Tsagaan Khanate in the west.


The name 'Sanéa' is named for the Sanéan Ocean, the ocean which straddles the eastern frontier of the state, whilst the state is called a Commonwealth because of its form of governance.



The lands that now make up the vast majority of Sanéa were in the past a part of Danouvia. It were the Danouvians that built up cities like Hanzia and Ístropolj, it was the Danouvian collapse that laid the way for the eventual founding of Sanéa. On the first of April 2024, the remnants of the Danouvian government requested to be incorperated into Parakascëa. This request was granted and the two states formed the Principate of Messenia. A not too dissimilar story played out in parallel in the south. During the collapse of Danouvia, large parts of the Republic were sold to the Duchy of Dirynum. Which continued to administer these lands up into the unification of Sanéa. Dirynum followed in Danouvia's tradition of being a democratic monarchy, whilst Messenia leaned more authoritarian, but being less centralised than Dyrinum.

Continued relations in the post-Danouvian lands

Both Dirynum and Messenia partook in numerous treaties with each other which strengthened bonds with the two states, culturally, too the nations stayed close to each other. Their shared Danouvian inheritance and Danouvian populations meant that there was always cultural exchange happening between the two neighbouring states. The collapse of Danouvia did of course mean that there was less cooperation within the ex-Danouvian lands than before the collapse, but the cooperation never ceased which meant that the populations of both Dirynum and Sanéa, rather Danouvian or not, still viewed each other as close kin.

Unification period (March 2024)

On the 12th of March 2024, Princeps Tarasius of Ephesus of Messenia was contacted by his Diryn counterpart Duke Cyrus the Benevolent about prospects of uniting the two brother states in a political union. The talks were conducted in secret, with no official declarations of intent to unite being publicly issued before the unification. The talks mainly focused on how the government would work, with little room being spared for cultural and economic integration of the two states, since it was assumed integration would naturally follow unification. After four days of hard and long negotiations, the First Constitution of Sanéa was agreed to on March 17th, with both the Dyrin government and Sanéan government agreeing to it without opposition. The announcement of the unification was issued on the following day. In the same week, Alaetia was chosen as the capital for the Commonwealth, and the national flag was adopted, both these things happened during the tenure of Luís Kazymir as Consul.

First Era of Sanéa (March-April 2024)

The Senate of Sanéa is central to its government, therefore the first act that Diarchs Tarasius of Ephesus and Cyrus the Benevolent did was calling elections for the Senate. The Election of the First Senate took place on March 21st and ran through to March 22nd. This Senate voted to elect Luís Kazymir, the last member of the Kazymir dynasty, as its Consul. The first three weeks post-unification were marked by both government initatives, as well as grassroots initiatives to bring the populations of Sanéa closer together. It was during the pre-election period that the Yergola war took place, and because of the lack of government the Commonwealth stayed neutral, though Sanéans did volunteer to fight on both sides.

After the appointment of Kazymir as Consul, the nation focused on building itself up internally. New laws were issued to encourage the creation of infrastructure, to boost the economy, and to increase Sanéa's international reach and influence. The nation used its status of internationally recognized great power to leverage influence in the south, specifically using its leverage to keep the northern nations out of the south. It upheld the Treaty of Korinthés which Messenia had signed with Cauldra to ensure that the Revolutionary Internationale would not expand south of Sanéa. Sanéa viewed itself as the keeper of the peace in the southern hemisphere. It was during these first weeks of Sanéa that the Liberal Party of Sanéa and the Reformists both had their starts as first informal, but later formal factions within the Senate. More projects were being finished, and more farms were being built, Sanéa was flourishing.

The trend of everything being fine and going great would be stopped on the 19th of april, though. On that day, to mark the near-completion of the City of Alaetia, diarch Tarasius of Ephesus was giving a press conference about Sanéa and his future plans pertaining to Sanéa. Whilst answering questions from the crowd, Sol Aureus, an ex-Sanéan and professional hitman, assassinated the diarch. The Diarch would live until the next morning, passing away on the 20th of April 2024. His death is seen by many as the end of the first chapter of Sanéan history, with the author of the constitution and father of the nation dying and his title passing onto his selected heir, the Consul Luís Kazymir.

Second Era of Sanéa (April-)

With the ascension of Luís Kazymir as Diarch, he resigned his post as Consul, which he gave to Liberal Senator Ivan Elvstrøm. The death of Tarasius was met with international condolences from friend and foe alike. After the appointment of Elvstrøm as Consul the nation started to settle into its modern political order, competing with the HPE over influence in the south whilst generally having few relations with the north. This period has seen further development of places like Palermo, development throughout the Théma of Danouvia, and continued planning and early preparation work on the New Sanéan Capital Project. The Treaty of Korinthés was dissolved in this period.


Government and Politics

Administrative Subdivisions

Sanéa is organized into Royal Districts, autonomous provinces known as Thémata and Territories. The Royal Districts fall under the direct authority of the Diarchs who jointly serve as Prefects for all Royal Districts. Thémata are all territories that have been granted local rulership in the form of a Prefect by the Diarchs. Territories, also falling under direct jurisdiction of the Diarchs are any Lands who have not been assigned any local prefectural titles.

Currently, there are 4 Royal Districts, namely the Royal District of Parakéa, the Royal District of West Aquín, the Royal District of Sol and the Royal District of Palermo.

Sanéa's Thémata consist of the Théma of Mustyria and the Théma of Akadéa in the northern part of the commonwealth, the Théma of Danouvia in the nation's geographic center and the Théma of Rorantia, the Théma of Igora and the Théma of Fontaine in the south.

With the recent ascension of the territory of Terramesso to the Théma of Igora, there are currently no Territories within Sanéa's internal administrative structures.

