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Flag of Crannoghold

Crannoghold is a Tribal Monarchy located global North. It was originally founded on 21st August 2023 as the Chiefdom of Crannoghold.




Early history

One of the original founding nations in the North alongside Thundra, Crannoghold is a confederation of ancient tribes descended from the Thurmen of the Far North. After breaking free of the servitude of the Northern Witches, a large number of Crannogmen have come together to form the Chiefdom of Crannoghold. The land is naturally defended from invaders and Under the leadership of Chief Boggers Witch-Bane and the Crannog Moot, the future of Crannoghold looks bright and hopeful.

On 25th August 2023, Construction of a new port. This new port hopes to help connect Crannoghold to new allies in the North Sea and the South. The port was later finished three days later on the 28th August after due to our increased trade deals with foreign nations, the Chief of Crannoghold and his Moot provided a warrant for the creation of the Crannog Trade Company. They will be a subsidiary of the Moot and control all major trade and industry zones in the Chiefdom. The Company also intends to help new players establish themselves on the server with basic supplies and food and the possibility of a mutually beneficial Trade Agreement.

The First Battle of Crannoghold

Throughout September, Crannoghold saw slight growth which was regulated by the Chief.

On 1st September 2023, the First Battle of Crannoghold saw evil witches and their pillager servants besiege Crannoghold. Crannog forces were pushed back after much resistance. Thought to be defeated, the Crannog were saved by brave fighting men of Syradine, Istraks and Cauldra. The allied forces smashed through the enemy lines and routed the Witches vanguard forcing the witches to send in the rear-guard. Yet the allied forces prevailed and victory was secured with the slaying of many pillagers.

The Moot of Crannoghold has chartered for the construction of a great monument by the Port representing the efforts of our new allies.

The unknown nomad

On 8th September 2023, an unknown nomad named Toain wandered into Crannoghold. The tribesmen viewed him as an outsider seeking refuge in the eastern outskirts carving his home within a mountain. Two days later, the tribesmen started to build trust with Toain after he learnt of their culture and constructed a house to live in (which took about two weeks). After learning about the "Post of Relatively Important Tasks," he explained to Chief Boggers that in order for Crannoghold to thrive in the future, they would need to build what was written on the Post.

Toain learnt about the other nations around Crannoghold, even gaining the trust of Kraftia's leader, RaspiestDeer. Both people constructed the "Kraftia-Crannoghold Road" which would make travel between the countries easier than having to traverse swamps and woodlands. This construction feat would allow Toain to become a part of the Chief's Moot earning the nickname, "Messenger of the Chief"

Preservation of Tribal Culture

After their war with the Covilha, Tsaagan Khanate, Chief Boggers had made it obviously clear to the Moot at Crannoghold andhimself that all Tribes, North or South can and will continue to prevail against the expansion of "modern cultures". They claim we are uncivilised and savages. And yet they will kill and slaughter and occupy wherever they go. Crannoghold has found a great respect to our Southern cousins in the Khanate and hope to further develop relations. This would cause his relationship with Toain to strain as unlike Boggers, Toain prefers to lean onto a pacifist approach when it comes to relations

The Kraftia Files

On 14th November 2023, the Thundrarch of Thundra, Vinz Izon exposed Crannoghold's true allegiance in the wake of the Khanate's brutal and unprovoked attack on Cauldra, thus the Northern nations quickly came to the conclusion that the Chiefdom of Crannoghold as seen by their vicious demands against Syradine had become a threat in northern Cinder. This fact was made clear after messages between Thundra and Crannoghold known as the Kraftia Files were declassified showing the tribe's intention on the Fortican continent. The intentions of Crannoghold were loud and clear: Expel the Kraftian population just for their local architecture under the guise of them "trespassing" on an ancestral gravesite. If such drivel is stated as an excuse for war in the North, then the nation saying such had no place on the continent. Chief Boggers added fuel to the fire explaining "Kraftia is an ugly nation that ideally should be burnt down. Crannoghold will not stand for foreign interference in our rights and traditions."

The War of Compensation

On 17th November, 2023, the League of Syradine entered a state of war with the savages of Crannoghold. The reasons for war was clear:

  1. The Chief assisted tribals in the attack of an innocent settlement on the opposite end of Cinder, to further a savage cause for tribute.
  2. They threatened and “warned” all of the neighbours that had attempted to show them compassion.
  3. They plotted to erase Kraftia from existence over some supposed ancient graveyard of theirs, even trying to sway the honourable Thundrans to fight with them.
  4. When the North Nations Forum unanimously agreed that Crannoghold must face punishment for their efforts in destabilizing the Great North, they dismissed us
  5. They had the audacity to demand compensation from the League.

Pepper of Selune also denounced the Chief saying that Syradine had been fed up and let Crannoghold destroy their collective peace for far too long. The Kingdom of Istrans would later join to assist Syradine. Boggers announced in a speech that he hoped to start talks about a glorious battle in the North, perhaps even one that takes place at sea, or maybe before the Walls of Mont Thuraz as his ancestors did in the days of the Thurmen. Blood would be spilt, lives will be taken and the victor shall be decided upon the field and not bowed down before the enemy. He would not surrender, we will not parley, we will fight, we will fight to the death and it will be bloody and glorious. Despite the threats Toain pleaded with Boggers that war shouldn't be the way to go for Crannoghold, but was dismissed many times.

The final date for the Battle of Crannoghold was set at 25th November 2023.

The Crannoghold Coup

Fearing over the battle, Chief Boggers and Toain engaged in discussions about war plans. After Toain explained that Crannoghold should've ended things peacefully, Boggers had the idea of instigating a coup with him leaving the country. What he didn't realise that Toain had already caught onto the plan knowing that Boggers would use the Coup to throw Toain under the bus and into Crannoghold's enemies, so engaged in a real coup under a hammer-and-sickle ideology. Despite Toain's aims to fight, the Chief had vanished leaving Toain with just the country.

After Boggers left Toain with the tribe, he announced to the other countries that the Chiefdom nothing but a toxic waste dump and a Coup in order to overthrow Boggers to allow a more stable government to take control of Crannoghold. This included:

  1. Increasing the workflow within the country
  2. Give the working man, woman and witch equal rights
  3. Industrialise and modernise country
  4. The Chief was now branded a fugitive

With these big changes, Toain became the first Chairperson of the newly established Socialist State of Crannoghold

On 26th November 2023, the S.S.O.C. signed a peace deal with both the League of Syradine and the Kingdom of Istraks. The Peace terms for both countries involved in the War of Compensation were listed below:

Istrak's peace terms
Article I: The Socialist State of Crannoghold hereby accepts full accountability for past aggressions and conflicts with the Kingdom of Istraks, and furthermore, is required to post a public apology for the aggressive foreign policies and actions taken by the former regime
Article II: The Socialist State of Crannoghold and The Kingdom of Istraks hereby agree to sign a Non-Aggression pact lasting for a period of two weeks
Article III: In a move to further mend relations between the two nations, the Socialist State of Crannoghold agrees to the reinstatement of the Istran-Crannog Trade Agreement, with the intention of restoring the mutually beneficial economic cooperation between the two nations
Article IV: The Socialist State of Crannoghold shall permit the settlement of Istran citizens and the investment of Istran capital in Crannoghold.
Syradine's peace terms
1: The Socialist State of Crannoghold agrees to a monetary payment of 32 diamonds to the League of


2: The Socialist State of Crannoghold agrees to hand over one of their famous horses to the League of


3: The Socialist State of Crannoghold is to deliver a public apology for the misdeeds done by the Boggers


4: Both parties agree to a non-aggression pact lasting two weeks.
5: If Boggers is to join the Socialist State of Crannoghold again or lead it, the Non-aggression pact is


6: Both nations agree to the construction of a road between Viconi and Crannoghold to symbolize


Cauldra and Thundra praised Toain's actions within Crannoghold celebrating the rise of another revolutionary nation. However, Toain viewed the ideology of the S.S.O.C as more communist-socialist rather than Revolutionist. Even though the ideology had changed, Crannoghold was saved for the foreseeable future.

Socialist State of Crannoghold

As part of the Socialist State of Crannoghold's plans for industrialisation / modernisation to bring the nation out of Tribalism, constructions projects had been planned out.

  • Phase 1 - Government Building
  • Phase 2 - Residential blocks / Road to Viconi, Syradine
  • Phase 3 - The Freedom Tower
  • Phase 4 - Roadway to Tree Farm and Istraks border
  • Phase 5 - City bypass / Seaside resort

The existing wooden houses were kept and renamed as "Old Town" within the construction of Crannog City


Government and Politics

Crannoghold is currently ran by a Chieftain and Moot made up of councillors of all walks of life and is currently in the process of bettering infrastructure in the region and expanding their capital

