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League of Syradine
Capital Tintorini
Culture Syradine
Location Centre / North Cinder
Government Democratic Republic
Leader Doge Khanstantin Linetti of Tintorini
Religion Church of Moonrise
Legislature Constitution of Syradine
Date of Founding (IRL) Aug 19, 2023
Date of Founding (LORE) 5th Moon, 1st Dawn, 1st Era

The League of Syradine, was a democratic nation in the centre/north of Cinder. It was one of the first nations to be founded, and the first nation to practice democracy. Syradine was founded on the Gold coast, bordering the Evonian Sea. It's only neighbour at the time was Lavard and the Kingdom of Istraks.




The League of Syradine was among the first nations to announce its existence in Cinder, done so by Arengo Ashelya of Selûne, supported by her sister Kryia of Selûne, who acted as Doge to the pledging republic.

The League of Syradine did not have formal legislature during the foundation, since it lacked the population to support an extensive government. Instead it acted on a social contract between the citizens and government.

"Led in all affairs concerning the external relations of the Nation and all its military applications by the Doge Kryia. So far as internal matters are concerned and applications of trade, these shall be overseen by the Arengo Ashelya."

On the 2th Moon, 2st Dawn of the 1st Era (Aug 23 2023), Arengo Ashelya proclaimed that the government would proclaim that the first recognised by the League of Syradine would be that of the Arannese Church and the League of Syradine would follow the "Book of the Divines".


'The League of Syradine and the Cities therein' - 2M/3D/1E (Sept 7 2023)

The League of Syradine would experience a lot of growth in the coming months. Monterro, the first proper city of the republic, grew rapidly, and on 5M/2/D/1E, Khanstantin Linetti of Tintorini joined the League. He would play a pivotal role in the times to come, and started construction of Porto Giglio, which would grow into Tintorini with time. Later on, Ashelya and Kryia their uncle, Pepper of Selûne, would join the fold, and start construction of Auction City on the northern continent of Fortica.






Government and Politics

International affairs