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League of Syradine
Capital Tintorini
Culture Syradine
Location Centre / North Cinder
Government Democratic Republic
Leader Doge Khanstantin Linetti of Tintorini
Religion Church of Moonrise
Legislature Constitution of Syradine
Date of Founding (IRL) Aug 19, 2023
Date of Founding (LORE) 5th Moon, 1st Dawn, 1st Era

The League of Syradine, was a democratic nation in the centre/north of Cinder. It was one of the first nations to be founded, and the first nation to practice democracy. Syradine was founded on the Gold coast, bordering the Evonian Sea. It's only neighbour at the time was Lavard and the Kingdom of Istraks.



Founding and First Government

The League of Syradine was among the first nations to announce its existence in Cinder, done so by Arengo Ashelya of Selûne, supported by her sister Kryia of Selûne, who acted as Doge to the pledging republic.

The League of Syradine did not have formal legislature during the foundation, since it lacked the population to support an extensive government. Instead it acted on a social contract between the citizens and government.

"Led in all affairs concerning the external relations of the Nation and all its military applications by the Doge Kryia. So far as internal matters are concerned and applications of trade, these shall be overseen by the Arengo Ashelya."

On the 2th Moon, 2st Dawn of the 1st Era (Aug 23 2023), Arengo Ashelya proclaimed that the government would proclaim that the first recognised by the League of Syradine would be that of the Arannese Church and the League of Syradine would follow the "Book of the Divines".


'The League of Syradine and the Cities therein' - 2M/3D/1E (Sept 7 2023)

The League of Syradine would experience a lot of growth in the coming months. Monterro, the first proper city of the republic, grew rapidly, and on 5M/2/D/1E, Khanstantin Linetti of Tintorini joined the League. He would play a pivotal role in the times to come, and started construction of Porto Giglio, which would grow into Tintorini with time. Later on, Ashelya and Kryia their uncle, Pepper of Selûne, would join the fold, and start construction of Auction City on the northern continent of Fortica. The League was viewed with a very positive light by outsiders, and as time grew on, it would become more active in international affairs. The League would not have to wait long, as on 14th of september 2023, Cauldra declared they would send their military to the City-State of Lavard, citing that Lavard was planning to destroy Cauldra. The then King of Cauldra, Swonki, reached out to Doge Kryia with sensitive information to explain Cauldra's move. Doge Kryia herself would open dialogue with Lavard to get more information, and the same day, the League of Syradine announced their concern around the war against their only neighbour and close ally. The League would start sending military supplies to Lavard to help them fend of the Cauldrans, and to the worlds amazement Lavard won the war.

The League of Syradine would go on to sign a treaty of friendship with the Duchy of Danúvia. More importantly, the League, having gained a sufficient population, would unanimously approve the Constitution of the League of Syradine on the 18th of september 2023. This constitution would also signal the first democratic election in Cinder, and start a long tradition of democracy in the Gold Coast region. The first election was won by Kryia of Selûne, with a majority of 3 to 2 votes.

Second Government

Having established a constitution, Doge Kryia would announce her cabinet. Khanstantin Linetti of Tintorini would act as Consigliere of Commerce and Communication, as he would work improve the Syradinese economy and trade connections. High-Priestess Ashelya of Selûne would act as Consigliere of Spiritual Matters, advising the nation on any religious matters and spiritual issues as well as making sure that the League had a good standing before the Divines. Lastly, Pepper of Selûne would act as Consigliere of National Image. He would work on improving the League their reputation around the world, making the League appealing to workers and tourist alike. Syradine would work the coming months to develop its cities, continue working on deepening trade connections, and expand its influences. Notably the Red Castle in Syradine City started construction under Kryia of Selûne.This time would also see the construction of the Syradine Metro, having laid its first connections from Viconi, formerly Auction City, and Tintorini.

The second elections would come about on the 16th of October 2023, having been won by Khanstantin Linetti of Tintorini. Doge Khanstantin wanted to continue the focus of industrialisation for the League, and pushed for the Syradinian Industralisation Plan to be approved, which the Commissione would vote in. This plan managed to see to it that the League would further industrialise their land, and not have to rely on others like it did during its foundation. One moon after the election, the League of Syradine and the City-state of Lavard would come together to sign the Golden Evonian Pact. This pact would see to an economic and military alliance between the two states. The League of Syradine would always see Lavard to be in their sphere of influence, and did not appreciate other nations getting majorly involved with Lavard. During this time, some tensions would arise between the League of Syradine and Kingdom of Istraks. The League of Syradine had some resentment from when Istraks annexed the city-state of Shikaga on the 12th of september 2023, as they were now very close to one another and bordering the heartlands of Syradine. The League would take offense at the Kingdom of Istraks calling itself the 'Defender of the North', as the League viewed Istraks as imperialistic and simply expansionist. High-Priestess Ashelya of Selûne would say the following about the situation:

"You are no defenders, you are vultures. My support for your republic against the former king remains the same,

but the actions of your state imply a continuation of your barely semi-civilized practices."






Government and Politics

International affairs