Tsagaan Khanate

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The Tsagaan Khanate
Tsgaani Flag Flag of Tsagaan
Internal Map of Tsagaan in red, with regions labeled.
Population 4 citizens
Demonym Tsagaani
Location Central Cinder
Head of State Khan Vita de Marirreguera
Religion Tengrism

Tsagaan (/tsaː.gaanː/), officially the The Tsagaan Khanate, and commonly referred to as The Khanate, is a Khanate located in the near-spawn area and central Cinder. It was founded on August 27th of the year 2023 by TrueWig Khan. The capital of Tsagaan is Yurtbatar, located in the center of the Khanate. Tsagaan borders Cauldra in the north,Sanéa to it's east, and Ashannar and the Noguhn Horde to the south-west.


The word "Tsagaan" roughly translates to the word "white". Due to a lack of written records, the exact reasoning and origin for this name is unknown, and Tsagaani locals report no knowledge on the subject.



Tsagaani history begins with TrueWig Khan, whose presence became known in late August 2023 after Belmontese scouts found a collection of yurts in the valley below them. On September 9th, Adrarian officials reported that Tsagaan had moved into a Testifikan village in the nearby Taiga forest. Tsagaan informed Adraria that they had no intention of further expansion into the forest, marking the first time that the Khanate would engange with another nation in an official capacity. Tsagaani forces then forcefully relocated the villagers across lake Tung-Ak, after which they burned the occupied village. Tsagaan would then begin a program of "reeducation" for the imported Testifikans, in an effort to convert them to the Tsagaani way of life.

TrueWig Khan would also begin his tradition of taking spiritual journeys during this time, during which the Khan would leave the Khanate for several days. TrueWig would appoint a Tur-Khan to run the Khanate during his absences.

Raid of Belmonte

Cultural tensions between the north-oriented and settled Town of Belmonte and the south-oriented nomadic Tsagaan manifested itself in a Tsagaani raid against the town. On September 22nd TrueWig Khan would send a demand of tribute to the king of Belmonte. Records show the demands included large sums of ores and cattle. The King of Belmonte would deny the Khan's demand, causing the Khanate to begin preparations for the raid. During this time, the King of Belmonte would flee the city, never to be seen again. When the Tsagaani forces entered the city they were met with a volunteer brigade from the Lysoborian Host. It was during this battle that the Tsagaani chief of war, Baudilla, would distinguish himself as one of the most skilled military leaders in the region. After effective use of hit and run tactics, the Lysborian regiment would retreat, and surrender the city to Tsagaan.

Tsagaan would then begin converting Belmonte's Testifikan population to the nomadic lifestyle, much like they had done with the Testifikans from the Taiga village. Tsagaan would also destroy Belmonte's connection to the PISS road, separating the city from is northern roots. During the raid, Tsagaan would also capture and imprison Vita de Marirreguera, who had traveled north from the town of Anneimd to defend Belmonte, of which they were closely related. Much like the Testifikans, Vita would be converted to the nomadic lifestyle. From this point onward, Anneimd would de-facto be part of Tsagaan, though retained its nominal independence.

The TrueWig Period

The annexation of Belmonte would place Tsagaan as the foremost military power in central Cinder. When Ascëan migrants fled from Aranna, they would request the permission of the Khan to settle to Tsagaan's east. This would be the beginning of Tsagaan's informal overlordship of Ephesus, which would last until the establishment of the Principate of Messenia.

Also during the period, the former town of Belmonte would fall into ruin. Damaged from the raid, it's once great walls would crumble