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The Republic of Uslanpolj, historically known as Úslânpolj, is a federation that spans much of Northeastern Cinder. As one of the earliest known civilizations on Cinder, Uslanpolj boasts a rich cultural heritage and a complex history of political evolution.

Originally established as a tribal confederation it eventually became a republic led by Beanz, the nation experienced a long period of stagnation, which eventually led to a coup orchestrated by ex-Ritannian revolutionary, Pavel Dmitriev. Under High Chancellor Pavel Dmitriev, Uslanpolj underwent a period of rapid economic growth and industrialization, transforming from a poor nation into a significant regional power.


The name “Úslânpolj” has its roots in the linguistic traditions of the region's early inhabitants. The term originates from a combination of words from two different languages, one fictional and one found in real life: the Frisian word "Ús lân" and the Old Danouvian word "Polj."

"Ús lân": This Frisian term translates to "our land." The use of this phrase reflects the strong sense of community and belonging among the early settlers of the region and signifies the collective ownership and pride that the people felt for their territory.

"Polj": Derived from Old Danouvian, this word roughly translates to "city-state." It indicates the early political structure of the region, which was originally centered around the Uslan capital of Willberg.

Historically, the name Úslânpolj was used, reflecting older linguistic forms. As the nation developed and standardized its language and administrative practices, as well as the vast reforms made by Pavel Dmitriev, the modern form Uslanpolj became prevalent. however, in some rural areas of Uslanpolj the more conservative version of the language is still commonly spoken and most of the remaining Middle Uslan speakers are located in the eastern areas of Banberg province.




The Republic of Uslanpolj is characterized by its large number of hills which contain a lot of coal and lead which made up a lot of the economy of the old republic

Uslanpolj is known for its hilly regions as well as its extensive forests, which cover most of Oakland. Currently, there are efforts to reforest the areas of Oakland where the forests were destroyed due to the large amounts of artillery fired by all sides during the great war.

Government and Politics

