Imperial Federation of Fortica

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The Imperial Federation of Fortica is a large Democratic Monarchy situated in the north of Cinder. It was established on the 8th of May 2024 upon the unification of Linathia, Tortuga, Aughsland, Kipällja and Pirammion. The capital of the Imperial Federation is Linaka, wich lays in the center of Linathia. Fortica borders two nations these being: Danouvia-Scneimunt and Thundra.

Imperial Federation of Fortica
Capital Linaka
Culture Saristani, Aughish
Location Far Northern Cinder, Fortica
Government Federal Democratic Monarchy
Leader Emperor Cain
Religion Secular
Legislature Imperial Constitution (yet to be made)
Date of Founding (IRL) 8th of May, 2024
Date of Founding (LORE) {{{founding_date_lore}}}