Imperial Federation of Fortica

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Imperial Federation of Fortica
Capital Nortifika
Culture Saristani, Aughish
Location Far Northern Cinder, Fortica
Government Federal Democratic Monarchy
Leader Emperor Cain
Religion Secular
Legislature Imperial Constitution (yet to be made)
Date of Founding (IRL) 8th of May, 2024
Date of Founding (LORE) {{{founding_date_lore}}}

The Imperial Federation of Fortica is a large Democratic Monarchy situated in the north of Cinder. It was established on the 8th of May 2024 upon the unification of Linathia, Tortuga, Aughsland, Kipällja and Pirammion. The capital of the Imperial Federation is Linaka, wich lays in the center of Linathia. Fortica borders two nations these being: Danouvia-Scneimunt and Thundra.


The word Fortica is the name of the continent, the country is setteled on.


The history of the Imperial Federation goes back to the Udalka tribe. A small group of tribesmen, wich descend from an long forgotten empire, wich was wiped out millenia ago. This tribe setteled around Linaka (then called Udalka) and lived a peaceful nomadic life. Until they collided with another nomadic people. These were the Thundrans and the Udalkans/Ancient Saristanians mixed with until the people living around Udalka (former name of Linaka) were a mix of Thundrans and Udalkans, making them modern Saristanians. Due to the Thundranization of Udalka, the town was renamed to Nortifika (Northern Village in Thundran). After many years of this Thundranization process the Saristanians were thinking, that they were Thundrans. This all changed when in January of 2024 an Organization named the Order of The Emerald was founded. It was the first ever group of people finding out about the Saristanian people after Udalka was renamed to Nortifika. They followed a religion named squiddism and made a squiddist monument in the heart of Thundra. The Thundran state cracked down on them for that, so they decided, that they time had came, to start a rebellion. They revolted under the slogan "All hail the Squid". Finally, on the 8th of Febuary, 2024 the Republic of Saristania secceeded from Thundra. Many global powers condemned the revolutionaries, but many supported them. Two days later the Thundran Republic declared war on us, starting the Saristanian war of Independence(soon to be link, hopefully) . With heavy support from the Revolutionary State of Cauldra and various other volunteers, the war could be won by Saristania, marking the beginning of the Revolutionary Republic of Saristania.The Republic of Saristania had a total of five members and had been part of multiple wars all of them won. One war almost broke out, with a nation named Aughsland. Aughsland, or the Revolutionary Imperium of Aughsland, was a nation purely created to invade Thundra. The Saristanian state was heavily against the Imperium, so two Saristanians, together with one Thundran, marched into Aughish territory to attack them. They lost, and one of the soldiers didn't get his gear back. That all changed on the 11th of April, 2024, Tortuga declared itsself independent from Saristania. On the same day, Tortuga also declared war on Saristania. After a small battle in the basement of Nortifika Caslte (An abandoned military base of the Saristanian Militärbund) was fought and Tortuga emerged victorious. That day the Treaty of Tortuga was held, wich said, that Aughsland would move somewhere else and pull back their declaration of war against Thundra. War between Tortuga and Saristania waged on until the following they, a diplomatic solution was found, and Tortuga was reintegrated into Saristania as an autonomous region. One month later Tortuga declared itsself independent again, and the Saristania dissolved peacefully into three smaller states. One day after the dissolution the, Tortugans fought a battle with the Aughslanders, wich they won. But the Tortugans, refused to give back Nuklears gear, wich is why they held a treaty, saying that they would be on good terms again, and that Aughsland would join the Schwarzkolmer Pakt (The Alliance between the Saristanian Successors). That night, the count of Kipällja has messaged the King of Aughsland with a plan to unite all the far northern nations under one giant behemoth. A few days of regulating everything and deciding on a government, everything was ready! And on the 8th of May, 2024 the Imperial Federation rose, and became the 3rd most populus nation on CinderCivs!


The Imperial Federation is characterized by a diverse landscape. From mountanous Aughsland to flat Tortuga Fortica has a widespread range of terrains and ecosystems. The most common types of Biomes are Dark Forests and Plains.




Majority Groups

Aughish 45%

Saristanian 36%

Minority Groups

Tribal 9%

Angelic 9%


Fortica is divided between multiple Crownlands and Imperial Territories. The Imperial Territories are directly ruled by the Imperial senate until they are recognized into a Crownland, or become their own. The crownlands on the other hand are ruled by local nobles. The Crownlands can be any form of monarchy. These Crownlands consist of the following: The Kingdom of Aughsland, The Kingdom of Tortuga, the Archduchy of Kipällja, The Kingdom of Tortuga and The Duchy of Dragonstone. There are two known parties in the Federation, these being the National Revolutionary Party of Fortica and the Tortugolala Party.

The form of the government is as so:

The Emperor

The title of Emperor has been granted to Augustine, former member of the Angelic Nation, with him being seen as a decent compromise candidate.

The Senate

The Senate is, as one would expect, a republican-based institution; however, it is significantly different to what one may see in, say, Sanea. Instead of ideological interests being the main influencer of senatorial politics, the Senate is instead designed to keep the constituent states of the Federation from bickering with one another by holding civilized dialogue and reaching consensuses on issues. For the most part, these constituent states are primarily monarchic in government form.

The Corporate Sector

However, there are outliers, as the Boon Caravan, for example, is a corporation that is held to the same governmental standard as the state's other monarchies, in that they have full voting rights and status as a constituent part of the federation -- effectively adding a tinge of corpocracy to the fledgling Federate state.  Another such example is Tycho Publishing Inc, a corporation nominally run by Lapis Lazuli.

The Prime Minister/President

Elected by the populace, the Prime Minister, or President under a different title, is the effective "executive" of the state, counterbalancing the Senate and being balanced by the Senate. They are also the commander-in-chief. For now, this position is right now held by Nuklear.