International Commune

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International Commune
Flag of the International Commune
map of the International Commune in red
Population 5-6 citizens
Demonym Communite
Location Northern Cinder
Capital Stepanograd
Largest city Felicie
Government Unitary Stepanist multinational commune, or socialist republic
Leader Chairman Elliott Dupont
Religion Secular

The International Commune is a socialist state, following the doctrine of Stepanism, or the socio-economic theories of Valerie Stepanoff, as enshrined in the Constitution. The International Commune is located in the global north, with much of its territory on the continent of Fortica. The capital city of the International Commune is Stepanograd, however, the largest city is Felicie. The International Commune borders Crannoghold, Ritannia, and Uslanpolj. It was formed on the 11th of June, 2024, from the Second Commune of Cirréone, the Worker's Republic of Paxia, and the Bardovian Republic.


The name 'International Commune' stems from Valerie Stepanoff's Theory of Communes in her magnum opus Capital, And Its Crushing Weight, which details the formation of socialist 'communes' (meaning any state which follows socialist ideology, as opposed to the more traditional meaning of the word) and their necessary eventual uniting into a singular international commune. While the International Commune does not claim to be the final form of Stepanoff's international commune, its mission statement is to lead the way. Therefore, technically, it is a multinational commune.



The International Commune formed from what was the Paxian-Cirréonese Comintern, an economic and military pact between socialist states across Cinder, namely, the Second Commune of Cirréone, the Worker's Republic of Paxia, and the Bardovian Republic. On the 10th of June, 2024, talks would begin for the uniting of the member nations of the PCC, as they had largely the same goals and political stances, as they shared resources and information, and as to grow the influence of socialism. This would be finalised on the 11th of June, after the Constitution had been written, with its announcement. This would result in very mixed feedback from the international community, due to the divisiveness of the International Commune's Stepanist ideology.

The Great War

The International Commune would find itself forming in the centre of the beginnings of a new war, the Great War, between the Anti-Revintern and the Revolutionary Internationale. The International Commune would respond to rising tensions very shortly after the Ashannari Declaration of War on all revolutionary states, with a speech from Chairman Elliott Dupont, commenting on the imperialism of both Ashannar and Aranna in their war on Cauldra, and declaring the International Commune's support of the Republic of Zimnogóra in their war of independence against Uslanpolj.


Government and politics


Administrative divisions

Region Land Area (blocks square) Population (June 2024)
Cirréone 349,490 4
Paxia 247,665 1
Bardovia 29,413 1
Unity Island 94,397 0


Group Population Percentage of total population
Cirréonese 4 66.7%
Paxian 1 16.7%
Bardovian 1 16.7%