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A yellow lightning bolt
The symbol of Revolutionism

Revolutionism is an ideology based upon the core principle of the revolving revolution: the "revolving revolution" being that any significant enough force may revolt against its government without suppression.

The Revolutionist ideology is very often conflated with Socialist theory, and very often Revolutionist nations are on the political extremes; despite common thought, Revolutionism is not based in Socialist theory.

Revolutionist Thoughts

There are three major "blocs" of Revolutionism:

UCP Revolutionism:

UCP Revolutionism was used by the United Cauldran Party in Cauldra. The UCP was the largest bloc of Revolutionism, and is commonly believed to be the basis for all Revolutionist thought on Cinder. (Further reading provided through the attached link)

Dmitriev Thought:

Dmitriev Thought is a political and ideological theory developed by Pavel Dmitriev. It combines elements of Revolutionism with unique principles designed to guide nations towards progress and prosperity. Originating from the Codex Uslan and inspired by the UCP Manifesto, the Dmitriev Thought addresses governance, economics, social policies, and national rejuvenation. The Dmitriev Thought is currently being followed in the People's Republic of Uslanpolj - now just Uslanpolj.


Pavel Dmitriev formulated the Dmitriev Thought during his travels across the world of Cinder, where he studied various cultures and political systems. Influenced by the Revolutionary State of Cauldra, Pavel sought to combine their revolutionary principles with his insights. Upon returning to his homeland of Ritannia, he began promoting his ideas, which led to gradual reforms. However, the assassination of a key political ally forced Pavel to flee, eventually spreading his ideology in Uslanpolj, where it became the guiding framework of the People's Republic of Uslanpolj after a successful coup led by his followers.

Core Principles

The Dmitriev Thought emphasizes the need for strong, visionary leadership and advocates for the consolidation of power in capable hands to avoid stagnation. It promotes the global spread of revolutionary ideals, opposing monarchism and supporting interventions to dismantle outdated regimes. The ideology values meritocracy, social mobility, and national restoration, focusing on modernization and cultural renewal. Cooperation among revolutionary nations and strategic nationalism are also key components, balancing national interests with global cooperation.

Economic Policies

Dmitriev capitalism supports limited government intervention, allowing market freedom with targeted regulations to prevent monopolies. The ideology values property rights, entrusting property to capable individuals to ensure efficient management. Innovation and sustainability are prioritized, encouraging technological advancement and sustainable growth. The economic model balances self-sufficiency with active participation in global trade and focuses on community development to enhance the quality of life for citizens.

The Socio-Revolutionist Thought:

The Socio-Revolutionist thought is a theoretical concept not yet implemented anywhere in the world. This ideology is heavily focused on social class, aiming to achieve a classless society. Its goal is to eliminate existing social classes through societal change, creating a world where only one social class exists. The Socio-Revolutionist Thought is very often misconstrued as Revolutism as a whole - this is not the case.

The Revolutionary Internationale

The Revolutionary Internationale was an alliance of Revolutionary nations based on their pledge to uphold the core principles of Revolutionism. Although the alliance was never officially been disbanded, due to a majority of its members either being disbanded or reformed the Revolutionary Internationale is no longer active. (Further reading provided through the attached link)

Revolutionist Nations