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The Revolutionary State of Cauldra
The flag of Cauldra
Population 8 citizens
Demonym Cauldran
Location Central Cinder
Government Dictatorship
Leader Chairman GlitchTime / Chairman Dimeadosen
Religion Secular
Ideology Revolutionist
Code of law UCP Charter

The Revolutionary State of Cauldra ("RS. Cauldra" / "Cauldra") is a nation in central/western Cinder. Cauldra follows the Revolutionist ideology, and is, along with many other Revolutionary nations, a member of the Revolutionary Internationale ("Revintern"). Cauldra was formed from the Kingdom of Cauldra through a revolution on the 22nd of November 2023, led by the co-chairman Dimeadosen.



The ruling party in Cauldra is the United Cauldran party. Whilst other parties could in theory be created, there is no competition to the UCP.


Cauldra is built on top of a mountain called Mt. Cauldra. The mountain is seen a lot in the architecture and culture of Cauldra. Avalonia (Western Cauldra) is mostly coast-side area, with a stone ground. The Northern slopes and some of Insmouth-Avalonia is a jungle, and the East Forest is a mix between Taiga and Birch forests. Besides these few exceptions, all of Cauldra is mountainous.




