Aleksi Novikov

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Aleksi Novikov
Culture {{{culture}}}
Religion Non-Religious
Gender Male
Race Human
Ethnicity {{{ethnicity}}}
Nationality Cauldran
Title(s) Minister of Industry
Age 32
Birth {{{birth}}}
Death {{{death}}}
Player Memarios

Aleksi Novikov is the Minister of Industry in Cauldra, a political writer and a propaganda artist.


Aleksi Novikov was born to a family of poor farmers in eastern Cauldra. Both of his parents died in the Cauldran Revolution when he was a teen, and Aleksi has been living alone in his parents' house ever since. Some time after the Revolution, Aleksi turned to Revolutionism and managed to get a job from the State. Climbing ranks, he eventually became the Minister of Industry in Cauldra. As he showed competence in managing the industry of the nation, he was offered a secondary managing position in the RKNB, and is now one of the top-most managers there.

After his career became stagnant, he has started to write books on Revolutionism. His most known book is the Socio-Revolutionist Thought. Due to a lack of interest in his life, he has also become an alcoholic.