Boon Caravan

"Out of the trees and hidden corners of the west, couriers travel across the planet to deliver secrets and messages for their employers. Should you encounter one they may tell you of their job and of their home - and of the group they serve. It is the whispers that follow these caravanners that are perhaps the most interesting things about Boon Caravan. Tales of a hidden city obscured by dense forest and mountains; large lumbering creatures and their suspicious underlings. Though of course these rumors are merely falsifications spread by competitors to mystify and demean the true and innocent nature of the Guild."
"Originally an independent research group focusing on the Neolithic era, it would be cobbled together into an economic guild by a true visionary and his chosen team of logisticians, craftsmen, writers, archaeologists and couriers. All of which are ideologically armed with the belief that the world requires an international information network if the nations of Cinder are to grow and flourish. Working with countries anywhere from Fortica to the Holy Pyrannic Empire, their missions are simple. Deliver packages, messages; Build and develop land and housing - work on national projects or help negotiate difficult situations for their employers."
"Considering the rising tensions of the political landscape, and the encroachment of a competitor organization within their economic niche, the Boon Caravan would attempt several new ways to maximize their outreach and influence to help global stability as well as to keep afloat in trying times. Such programs would include the publishing of adventure novels and archaeological journals, selling off ancient artefacts to the highest bidder and giving the greenlight to a department of Pataphysics."
"Despite these inane actions the Caravan have done to public knowledge, whispers still follow those that leave the ‘Boon Camp’. Though another name is given to these headquarters. One that can only be heard should you listen close to the wind and the world around you, one that was left half buried for a reason."
"It’s believed by the very few that listen to the quiet rumors of the Caravan that its real nature is caught in a superposition between a bumbling courier service and a more mysterious side. That the caravan itself may be a mask for a far more ancient organization. That the answers would only be given to those brave enough to venture out and see them for themselves. In this web of obscurity only one thing is known for sure. That neither rain, nor snow, nor Nether travel will slow a courier of the Boon Caravan."