Haibu Kokka

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Haibu Kokka
Capital {{{capital}}}
Culture {{{culture}}}
Location South Lake of Mondego
Government Monarchy
Leader Niiro Akira
Religion Hivelic
Legislature Constitution
Date of Founding (IRL) {{{founding_date_irl}}}
Date of Founding (LORE) {{{founding_date_lore}}}

Haibu Kokka (Hi-Boo Koe-Kah) was a nation created by "Niiro Akira" to restore the kingdom they were once in. This nation was located in the Lakes of Mondego area Center-West. It has been annexed by the Noguhn Horde and the Second Empire of Ashannar.


Haibu Kokka was a Japanese orientated nation with very traditional Japanese shrines and houses.

Hierarchy and Government

The nation of Haibu is a Democratic Monarchy surrounding the literal queen bee Niiro Akira

