
Kurutuk, officially the Elven Diarchy of Kurutuk, is a constitutional diarchy situated in the far south of the main continent on Cinder. It is home to the "Kuruki" (or elves), who have inhabited the area for millennia. Kurutuk borders the Holy Pyrannic Empire to the west and the Dwarven Kingdom of Durnath to the north and east.. Kurutuk's foreign policy centers around trade with other nations and isolationism, preferring not to meddle in the wars of men.
Language and History
-Work in Progress-
Government and Politics
The Arani and Parliament

Kurutuk is a constitutional diarchy. The two heads of state, called "Arani" (singular: Aran) share power equally. The Arani jointly appoint ministers to serve as both advisors and officers of the state. Taken together, the Arani and the ministers make up parliament, who has the responsibility for making all laws. The ministers serve at the will of the Arani, with the exception of the Nuk Minister who is democratically elected. The five ministers are as follows:
- Minister of Justice - Oversees the courts and gives determinations on the interpretations of the law.
- Minister of the Interior - Oversees infrastructure construction and maintenance as well as developing economic policy.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs - Serves as diplomat to foreign nations and with outside persons.
- Commander of the Order - Leads the Order of Kretena, the military forces of Kurutuk.
- The Nuk Minister - Democratically elected, serves as the voice of the commoners. Holds veto power. Serves for one month terms.
An Aran or any of the parliamentary ministers may submit a bill to the floor for voting. The bill passes with a majority of the ministers voting "yes" and both Arani voting "yes", or all of the ministers voting "yes" and one Aran voting "yes". The Nuk Minister may veto any bill once per term. That bill, and similar bills, may not be brought to the floor again for the remainder of the Nuk Minister's term.
The Arani will also appoint a Regent from among the parliamentary ministers who shall temporarily gain the powers of an Aran in case of one's prolonged absence.
Local Administration
The territories of Kurutuk are divided into subdivisions called "Pelasi" (singular: Pelas), which is managed by an Aragnor. The Aragnor is responsible for the internal affairs, including trade, infrastructure, law enforcement, and defense, of their Pelas and may pass laws in accordance with the laws of parliament. Parliament is also given the power to override laws made by the Aragnor. The Aragnori serve at the will of the Arani and may be removed or replaced for any reason.
-Work in Progress-