Scneimunt city

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Scneimunt city is the capital and largest city (lorewise) of the Grand Duchy of Hollenberg. It is also the capital of the county of Scneimunt. It is renowned by many for it's baroque, rococo and neoclassical architecture. While not large in terms of population when comparing it with other cities such as Palermo and Loire it is nonetheless considered one of the more important cities of Cinder.

The city is located in the north eastern portion of the Grand Duchy of Hollenberg, it's official coordinates are -500 2600. It sits on a small plateau north east of the mountain of Scneimunt, the highest peak of the continent of Cinder. Directly north of the city is a canyon which used to have a small river flowing through it, that river was the only river in all of Danouvia-Scneimunt.

Scneimunt city is also the centre of the Egjenist faith with most residents adhering to the reformed Scetétian church. Scneimunt city in contrast with the western parts of the country does not have a Pyrannic community, although Pyrannists are allowed to reside and own property in the city.


Scneimunt city was established only in January of 2024, months after the Tauern were settled by Danouvian mountaineers. At first it was just a small settlement with a church, however when the Grand Duke moved his residence to Scneimunt castle, overlooking the city, the city experienced it's first population boom and quickly grew.