The Evil One

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The Evil One is a book written by Fawn the Farmer during their stay in Adraria.

Out of RP

SquashyFawn wrote this book together with Dregate in about one and a half hour. They both found it very fun to write. It eventually lead to the creation of the newspaper The Truth.


The Evil One is said to be 'based on a true story'. The book was written by Fawn the Farmer and is therefore full of pro-Fawn propaganda. The book mostly focusses on how evil emperor Rain and Jay S. Zabel are. The book claims that the two eat cats and dogs


The book was spread by Fawn the Farmer, but didn't become very popular.

Full text

Evil is all around us. It's in the government, it's in the walls, it's eating the cats and dogs. This is the story of one person that defeated the Evil one.

The Evil one was a man, a normal seeming man. Except... he was Evil. He was eating cats, dogs, and maybe even... children?

The person that defeated him, was just a simple farmer. They stood for Truth and Honesty. And honestly, The Evil One was neither of those things.

"STOP", said the Good Person, "You're hurting the people of this wonderful country."

"No," said the evil one, "I'm going to harm ALL the people!" He laughs, Evily.

"Then I will have to stop you", said the Good Person.

"Like you could even try to stop me. You're too weak...", he smirked: "and a nerd".

"I'm going to have our Evil Emperor remove you from our nation, Good Person!"

The Good Person wasn't scared, they were strong, and cool. But the Evil Emperor told the people to try to kill the Good Person. So the Good Person fled.

"Oh, no," said the Good Person, "isn't there anyone that cen help me?"

Suddenly, a here appeared - a Good Man. He introduced himself as the leader of a nation. A wonderful nation. Full of wonderful people. There the Good Person could be safe.

"How nice to know, that there are still good leaders in the world. May you be blessed by bountiful harvests."

The Good Man smiled, he led the Good Person to his nation, where the people greeted both of them with thunderous applause and gifts.

The Good Man made an announcement to his people. "My people," he began, "my good and kind people." A silence fell over the gathered crowd. "This Person has fled from danger. They have risked their life to bring us the truth about their nation. And the truth is bad."

"There is evil in those lands. It's in the government, it's in the walls, it's eating the cats and dogs." The crowd gasps.

"It is true!" a man called from the audience. He was a militairy man. "I've seen it with my own eyes." Again, a gasp came from the crowd.

"Haters will try to convince you these two people are wrong," said the Good Man. "I say we all walk to the Good Person's nation and remove the Evil One and The Evil Emperor, in a peaceful non-violent way." The people cheered.

The readied their swords, their bows and arrows, and their TNT.

Marching to the city, with a huge crowd, the best crowd, a huge crowd, the came across the Evil Emperor, and peacefully beheaded him. He was in bed, sick, so this was easy. A mercy killing, if you will.

They gave the head to the Good Man, as a gift.

Then they looked around, but they couldn't find the Evil one. Where could he be?

The crowd gathered around the Good Person and Good Man. They were confused as well. He should be here. This was the government building. He wouldn't be such a coward as to leave. Would he?

He would.

They found him in a cage.

The Good Person said to him: "Evil One, can't we just be friends. Can't you stop your evil fighting and your evil doings?"

"No, eat shit and die."

The good person didn't like this behaviour, logically, and cut off the Evil One's head. To make sure the Evil could never return to the lands, the Good Person burned the Evil One's head.

The End.

By SquashyFawn and Dr3g8.