Firgards-Kothmire War

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Firgards-Kothmire War
(left to right) Mystic, Joao, Varot (Hampter did not participate)
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A few of the fighters gathering after the battle.

Date2024/05/15 - 2024/05/31
-147 885
ResultDissolution of Kothmire and its annexation by the Lendisti Tribe

Lendisti Tribe



Grand Admiral Aron the Formidable DJDry
6 soldiers 5 soldiers (most of whom were not present at the start of the battle)
Casualties and losses

The Firgards-Kothmire War, also known as the 2nd Kothmire War or Moonrisen Crusade, is a conflict that occurred between the 15th and 31st of May 2024. This war was fought by the Federation of Firgards, the Lendisti Tribe and Ashannari volunteers on one side, and Kothmire (backed by Tortuga and Danouvia-Scneimunt) on another side. It was made up of 2 battles: the Batlle of Western Kothmire and the Second Battle of Kothmire.

Both battles resulted in a victory for the Moonrisen faction, led by Grand Admiral Aron.

Battle of Western Kothmire

Battle of Western Kothmire
Kothmirian internal map on 29/05/2024
Red Free Kothmirian land
Green Occupied by Lendisti Tribe
Orange Occupied by Firgards

This battle took place on the 26th of May. With the help of Danouvian engineers a fort was built on the southern edge of Kothmire, this is where most of the fighting took place. The attack began earlier than expected by the defenders and so only a fifth of the total fighting force was present. This small force defended the aformentioned fort, however as the fort was undermanned it was quickly taken by the attackers (who soon after taking it left to pursue the rest of the small force). Around this time that the fort was lost the Danouvian volunteers arrived on the battlefield and retook the fort without a fight. Soon the attackers redirected their full attention to the Danouvians in the fort. At first the small Danouvian force was able to succefully hold of the 6 times larger, more experienced and better equiped attacking force but their success was shortlived. The attackers using tactics that the Danouvians saw as dishonourable (they broke the walls of the fort) were able to get into the fort. What resulted was an utter disaster for the Danouvians who took grievous casualties. What remained of the shattered Danouvian force fled from the force and decided to hide until the arrival of the Tortugan reinforcements. The Tortugan forces finally arrived at the sight of an unfolding disaster. Even with Tortugan reinforcements the defenders were heavily outnumbered however they did bring supplies which the brave Danouvian volunteers used to reequip themselves. With this in a last ditch attempt at saving the battle, numerous counterattacks were launched but all ended in failure for the defenders. The defenders, especially the Tortugans and Danouvians fought valiantly, to the last man but in the end were outmatched and outnumbered. The casualties of the defenders were extremely high meanwhile the attackers suffered none. It was soon known that the attackers had won, although some smaller, poorly equiped Danouvian and Tortugan forces launched counterattacks well into the night.