Archduchy of Kothmire | |
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Capital | Kothmire |
Culture | Kothmirian |
Location | South Cinder |
Government | Theocratic Monarchy |
Leader | Manifestus |
Religion | Moonrise Church Dark Creed |
Legislature | Creed of the Dark Gods |
Date of Founding (IRL) | Oct 3, 2023 |
The Archduchy of Kothmire, also known as Kothmire, was a theocratic monarchy located in Southern Cinder. It was bordered by Danouvia until its collapse, after which it was bordered by Korsia to the East and Parakascëa to the North. At the time of its collapse, Kothmire was bordered by the Lendisti Tribe to the West and Sanea. Kothmire was geographically centered within the southern swamps, which defined its natural borders.
Little is known about the history of Kothmire, although records indicate that its history stretches far into ancient history. An isolated region, Kothmire was regarded in legend as a particularly bleak region due to its poor weather and treacherous reputation. Kothmire's early settlers are theorized to be of Northern heritage, possibly refugees of historical persecution which would solidify into a major part of Kothmirian identity. Kothmire would succeed due to the swamp's unexpected fertility, allowing the Kingdom to prosper for a time and construct various major landmarks within the region.
Kothmire's main focuses as a nation were spent developing architecture, masonry, and the development of theology. The most well-known product of these efforts is the House of Night, also known as the Kothmire Cathedral. Other major structures constructed by Kothmire include the Idol of Selûne, and the Idol of the Moonslayer. Many of these structures would be built in the initial Kothmirian age of prosperity, which would come to an end following the Port Dry Crisis, which would escalate into the First Kothmirian War. Kothmire's eventual destruction would come following the Second Kothmirian War, also known as the Moonrisen Crusade.

The Archduchy of Kothmire was officially established sometime between September 28 2023 and October 3, 2023. Initially a minor settlement, the region would first appear on a Danouvian map, after which it would be recognized by most states within Cinder. It would importantly establish a treaty of joint control over the coastal region of Dry Port. Early focuses were on transforming the region into an area suitable for agriculture.
Early Development
The development of Kothmire would begin with the establishment of the capital city following major agricultural advancements in the region. Using the swamp's natural fertility, the area allowed for extremely high yields of wheat and other grains. This success would enable Kothmire to develop rapidly, with construction on the Kothmire Cathedral beginning soon after the nation's founding. Kothmire would also invest in the creation of Dry Port, which would be established through the Kothmire-Danouvian Joint Control treaty.

Initial Prosperity
This period would see the creation of various farms, the creation of gray-sheep livestock, large underground quarrying of stone for various masonry projects, and the construction of additional houses. This would be greatly enhanced by multiple foreign artifacts that would be collected throughout the nation's development, including the variety of high-quality pickaxes and Tintorinian boots. During this time, Kothmirian explorers would make several expeditions to the North in search of parrots, exploring the Northern jungle and the Temple of Alkabazaria.
Conversion to Selûne

During this early stage in Kothmirian development, the Archduchy would become fascinated with the Church of Moonrise. This was partly due to the theorized Northern heritage of Kothmire's population, as well as the cultural association of Kothmire's traditionally long and dark nights with spiritualism and faith.
Adoption of the Moonrisen Church
Kothmire would officialize this interest by inviting the High Priestess of the Moonrise church, Ashelya of Selûne, to formally request acceptance into the Moonrisen faith. To accomplish this, the Kothmirian Manson's league was used to create a minor statue of Selûne to impress the priestess. This effort succeeded, and following an initiation ceremony, Kothmire officially became a Selûnite state on Dec 28th, 2023.
This would be solidified by the construction of the Idol of Selûne on January 5th, 2024, which would cement Kothmire's reputation as zealots of Selûne.
Port Dry Crisis
Kothmire's era of uninterrupted development would come to an end following growing tension with Kothmire's younger neighbor, the growing Empire of Messenia. Created out of the ex-Danouvian state of Korisa and the Despotate of Parakascëa, the Messenian Empire's sudden growth and expansion was perceived as a threat to Kothmire's quiet development. Despite this, relations with the Messenians remained cordial. Following the collapse of Danouvia, the Kothmire-Danouvian port agreement would be renewed with Korisa, and passed on to Messenia, which the Messenians would respect. Relations would collapse however following Messenia's invasion and subsequent capitulation of Mustyria, which sparked a diplomatic condemnation from Kothmire. In response, Messenia would seize Port Dry and declare Kothmire an enemy of the Messenian Empire. Kothmire would respond with further condemnations, which would be supported by the Church of Moonrise. Following this, Messenia would begin the construction of a 2-block high iron fence within the then-disputed border, which would block off Kothmire from the main road used for travel within central Cinder. This provocation would lead to Kothmire vandalizing the Fence, creating several holes in which travel could continue despite the Messenian blockade.
False Flag
Tensions would once again escalate following the eruption of the Thundran crisis, in which Kothmire and Messenia would support opposing sides. Following this, Messenia would launch a false flag attack on Kothmire, claiming that Nykol Haartmann, a Messenian minister, had been assassinated by DJ Dry, a Kothmirian citizen, on the main capital road. Despite the denial of this crime by the Kothmirian government, with various pieces of evidence, as well as a plea for an international investigation, the Messenian government would respond to this by conducting a revenge murder of Manifestus. This would be followed by a declaration of war against Kothmire, beginning the First Kothmirian War.
Messenian Invasion
Messenia would begin the First Kothmirian War on Feb 11, 2024. Kothmire would respond by making an international address for sympathy, which would go widely ignored, save for the Moonrise Church. The Moonrise Church would publicly announce their support for Kothmire, as well as condemn the Messenian aggressors for their invasion.

The first casualties of the war would come from a Messenian ambush of Northern supplies, who attempted to give Kothmire weapons and armor to fight the Messenians. This would result in public condemnation and the establishment of new supply routes to Kothmire through unexplored Western routes.
Despite initial eagerness for the war, logistical issues and exhaustion from other conflicts would lead to a growing slog in which neither side was interested. This failure would lead to a status-quo peace agreement, with the signing of the Treaty of Ataetia in return for a Non-Aggression Pact and free travel through both nations, at the cost of conceding Dry Port.
Post-Invasion Isolationism
Following the end of the Messenian invasion, Kothmire would retract its diplomatic ties with most nations and recede into isolationism. This period would be marked by a national feeling of melancholy, created by the humiliating quasi-defeat at the hands of the Messenians and the increasing cultural and diplomatic loneliness. This would eventually escalate to anger, directed toward the Church of Moonrise, due to their failure to prevent the Messenians from attacking Kothmire. These beliefs would specifically build resentment toward the Selûnite faith, which was seen as the patron god of Kothmire and thus its defender.
Submission to the Dark Gods

During this period, Archduke Manifestus would have apparent visions and episodes of a malevolent nature. While initially showing resistance, Manifestus grew to see the various voices and sights he would hear as a liberating and cathartic force. This would lead to an apparent revelation of the existence of numerous "dark powers," which were the apparent true gods of the mortal realm. Immediately after this discovery, Manifestus would go on to convert other citizens of Kothmire to the growing faith, before eradicating Selunite imagery across Kothmire. This includes the defacing of the Idol of Selune, as well as other statues dedicated to her likeness. Following this, Manifestus would begin authoring the apparent direct word of the Dark Lords in effort to create a scripture by which to apply as law within Kothmire.
Formation of the Dark Creed
The Dark Creed would officially be created on March 20th, 2024, following the publication of the book of the same name. The formation of the Creed would see a wide variety of reactions, the vast majority of which were negative. This was due to the Creed's policy on anti-religious tolerance, which, compounded by the fact that many faiths saw the Creed's teachings as an anathema to their own faiths, lead to the Creed very quickly becoming an international pariah.
Expansion of the Dark Creed
The expansion of the Dark Creed would begin with the distribution of the faith's holy scripture throughout Cinder. Copies of the text would be distributed to various interested scholars seeking to archive the text for their libraries, as well as those interested in learning more the Dark Creed. The Dark Creed would grow in popularity for those with pre-standing distain of most mainstream religions, espically that of the Moonrise church.

Among these deliveries, the most important would the copies delivered to the city Tintorini in Ritannia. While initially resistant to its teaching, It is here that the first external followers of the Dark Creed would take hold, as Khanstantin would convert to the Dark Creed in Apr 28th 2024. Khanstantin would go on to murder High-Priestess Ashelya of Selûne in a ritualistic sacrifice, beginning the Ritannian Civil War and declaring the independence of the Cyric Sect. Khanstantin would be rewarded for his sacrifice with the Idol of the Moonslayer, also known as the Idol of Khanstantin.
Angelic Nation
The Creed would also find notable success within the Angelic Nation, as several individuals, most infamously Vivia Greenthorne, would be involentarly converted to the faith following following revival by Dante. [Editor's note: I have not read all of the character rp for this so I don't really know the details, will edit later]
Additional Conversions
Several other individuals would come to accept the Dark Creed as their faith. Notably among these would be Armin, who following the dissolution of Saristania, would found Kipällja, becoming the second Creed affiliated state in the North-East. Another convert would be Dante, who would pledge fealty to the Dark Gods following [Something idk].
Moonrisen Crusade
The radical expansion of the Dark Creed would remain a controversial topic across Cinder as it continued to incite Chaos within various states and communities. This would come to a head following the declaration of the Moonrisen Crusade by Aron the Formidable, beginning the Firgards-Kothmire War. This would be following the declaration of a raid by the Lendisti Tribe a few days earlier, who joined the conflict in a united front. Kothmire would rally a defense led by DJDry, enlisting various volunteers from Creed friendly states such as Kipallja in order to push back to invasion. Despite this resistance, Kothmire would fail to defend against the Moonrisen crusaders in a decisive defeat, pushing Kothmirian forces back into the capital at the House of Night. It is during this time that the Nightfall Contigency, which had previously been drafted following the Creed's creation, would be completed as a formal document.

Kothmire would refuse to surrender to Moonrisen invaders despite the defeat, vowing to continue the battle until the end. The second battle of Kothmire would take place on May 31st, 2024, in which the Kothmirian defenders would face an additional defeat to the joint Moonrisen-Lendisti forces. Viewing as defeat as inevitable, Archduke Manifestus would give the order to begin the Nightfall Contingency, which entailed an organized escape from Kothmire in order to avoid persecution.
Fall of Kothmire
As invaders closed on the last holdouts of Kothmirian resistance, Kothmiran operatives would gather the nation's hidden valuables in accordance with Contingency Nightfall, before executing an organized escape. This involved the freeing of DJDry, who was being held in Lendisti custody, as well as the personal evacuation of the nation's extensive parrot collection, many of which would parish in the frantic nature of the operation. In the final moments of the operation, Archduke Manifestus would be caught in a confrontation with Aron the Formidable, who had taken on a personal quest to capture or kill Manifestus to end the crusade. Manifestus would escape releatively unharmed, and the operation would continue without further interruption.

The Kothmiran refugees, which were last seen heading toward the far-western icecaps, disappeared from Cinder following their defeat at the hands of the Moonrisen crusade. The remaining lands of Kothmire would be divided by the victorious invaders, however due to the unexpected disappearance of Kothmire's population, plans had to be quickly changed in order to compenstate for the lack of a state to govern. Controversially, the Lendisti would annex the main regions of Kothmire, including the House of Night, before offering the rest of the nation to their overlords, Sanea.
Kothmire was located within the southern swamps of Cinder, also known as the Kothmirian Swamps or Kotmirsk Swamps. It is home to a unique ecosystem within the South, differing from the region's wide and open plains. It is home to a variety of species, including the Kothmirian Gray Sheep, as well as Kothmirian frogs. Some of the region's biology is unnatural, as Northern Mangrove trees were imported into the nation following several Kothmirian expeditions to the North.
Manifestus [TheNewNewYorker]