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Second Thundran Republic
Capital Donr's Gift
Culture Thundran
Location Fortica
Government Presidential Republic
Leader Thundrarch Aleksy Zerzan
Religion Zodranism
Legislature Donr's Elect
Date of Founding (IRL) September 12th 2023
Date of Founding (LORE) 1E, Dawn 4

Thundra, officially the Second Thundran Republic, is a presidential republic located on the continent of Fortica. Thundra borders the Ritannia in the south and Tortuga and Kraftia in the north. Thundra stretches from the Evonian Sea in the south to the Tortugan Sea in the north. The nation is roughly divided in two, with the eastern half of the nation also traditionally being called Crannoghold.

The Thundran Republic was founded upon the settlement of Donr's Gift, a small islet which today serves as the nation's capital. The Republic steadily grew until the Saristania war in which the northern territories of the Republic seceded and formed a Revolutionist State. In the months following the secession war Thundra stalled, with less and less development happening. Eventually the nation would turn its fate around after electing Aleksy Zerzan as Thundrarch of Thundra. Under his Joint-Cross Movement party he reinvigorated the Republic and turned it into the most powerful country on the Fortican continent. Zerzan reintegrated the Republic of Saristania and adopted a new constitution which established the Second Thundran Republic. In January of 2025 Zerzan launched the invasion of Crannoghold, which resulted in the eventual annexation of Crannoghold.


Early history

The earliest evidence of permanent human settlement of what is now Thundra dates back to 1E, Dawn 4 with the settlement of Donr's Gift by a group of semi-nomadic peoples. It is believed that Thundra's special relationship with its native Testifikan population started out almost immediately after the emergence of Thundra as a polity. The first historically attested Thundrarch is Vinz Izon, who notably built the Stormforge. It was under the stewardship of Vinz Izon that the Thundran native religion- known as Zodranism- was codified. The story of the settlement of Donr's Gift playing a central role in Zodranism.

Whilst the nation was still organizing itself politically Thundra had started working towards industrializing. Initially starting out with mining operations and exploring the Deep Dark, the nation rapidly progressed to the point where it acquired traditional industrial capabilities. From curing infected Testifikans to fully reshaping Donr's Gift the nation's ambitions kept growing in size. Thundra eventually became the host to Cinder's first double mob spawn farm, shortly afterwards the Republic expanded onto a small islet on its western coast to claim a piece of land explicitly for industrial projects.

Shortly after the settlement and development of the Industrial island, the Republic took it upon itself to create the Vodrbolt Tunnel, a waterway to directly link Donr's Gift to the Evonian Sea.

Early Foreign Policy

With the completion of the Stormforge, Thundra's parliament, the Republic sought to connect with other nations of the world.

Thundra had commited to neutrality during the Cauldra-Lavard war, but voiced concerns that Cauldra's Casus Belli "does not contain any reasonable motives for the war" which "set a worrying precedent regarding the justification of war".

It was in October of 2023 that the Thunder Republic would condemn Danuvia for their treatment of Testifikans in their nation. Testifikans were supposedly "held in ungodly tight spaces, even struggling to breathe". Further inspection also found a mass grave of 116 Testifikan heads laying on the ground. Thundra immediately ceased all diplomatic ties with Danouvia and sent demands for reperation for the Testifikan peoples.

Following the declaration of the Tsagaani raid on the Cauldran town of Covilha, Thundra condemned the Khanate as "uncivilized, a blemish on this earth that is barely distinguishable to the Horde of the Night". Thundra pledged it's support for the Kingdom of Cauldra.

Coalition against Crannoghold

Following the deafeat of Cauldran forces at the Battle of Covilha and the subsequent vassalization, BoggersUngaBoonga, a Crannog leader and volunteer in the war, demanded compensation towards Syradine for the loss of armour and a horse. Syradine rejected this notion.

Tensions kept increasing, but reached the boiling point when Thundrarch Vinz Izon released the "Kraftia Files", documents containing messages between the Thundrarch and the Crannog Leader Boggers. The documents consisted of Boggers asking the Thundrarch for a joint invasion of Kraftia, a rather poor nation to the north. The Casus Belli, as stated by Boggers, would be "trespassing on the graves of our ancestors".

"With Crannoghold having shown their true allegiance in the wake of the Khanate's brutal and unprovoked attack on Cauldra, the Northern nations quickly came to the conclusion that Crannoghold,

as seen by their vicious demands against Syradine, is a cancerous growth in northern Cinder. This fact shall be indisputable with the evidence I lay before you here today." - Vinz Izon

In a joint declaration by the Northern Nations Forum, Thundra, Syradine, Istraks, Lavard, Uslanpolj, Wolfberg, Rosendaele and Kraftia demanded the Crannog government of Boggers step down and be replaced with a government decided by the NNF.

Boggers declined, stating "Why should foreign nations decide the government of Crannoghold" and "Kraftia is an ugly nation that ideally should be burnt down". In turn, Syradine, Istraks and Thundra declared war on Crannoghold, leading to the Socialist Coup led by Toainsully.

Border Disputes with Ritannia

With the settlement and expansion of the southern town of Port Zodran, Thundran claims slowly encroached on those of Syradine's town of Viconi. Tensions became heated when a watchtower was built close to the claim borders of Viconi, which uneased Syradine officials, who viewed the watchtower as a land grab.

Syradinese officials thus contacted the Thundrarch to explain their worries, which Vinz Izon understood. He apologized for the watchtower and prompted to gift in to Syradine in a sign of good faith, which led to discussions about the Thundran-Syradine border in general.

Saristanian Secession Crisis

In late 2023, Thundra experienced a big player influx in the form of Armin I., Johnny V. and SirFaultier.

The three built in the southern regions of Thundran, but mainly focused there efforts in the northernTestifikan village of Nortifika. Due to the sudden population influx, Vinz Izon implemented a populationpolicy due to food shortage, promising to build up Thundra's agricultural sector.

In February, the three would write a letter to Thundrarch Vinz Izon describing revolts in Nortifika due tolockdown measures and political tensions of both Testifikan and Saristani peoples. The three wished tosecede and found their own, independent nation, named Saristania.

Vinz Izon demanded the three to stand down, offering to federalize the republic to grant them autonomy, but they refused.

State of Emergency and Restructuring into the Thundran State

Following the Battle of Nortifika and the signing of the war's respective peace treaty, Vinz Izon suffered a severe mental breakdown. His first action after defeat was putting himself in the position of both Thundrarch and Vice-Thundrarch, effectively terminating a vote of no confidence by the parliament. In the same decree, he asked parliament to declare a state of emergency, to which parliament agreed. While still a Republic in name, Thundra would now call itself the Thundran State.

Due to the populations loss suffered by the secession and further agricultural developments in Thundra, Thundrarch Vinz Izon lifted the previously implemented population policy stating that "Thundra is looking for new members, followers of the Zodran faith!".

Free passage of Saristanians in Thundran territory resulted in tensions when Armin, Jonny and Faultier trespassed into the Thundran storage area, a space labelled openly as "Thundran Only". Izon, demanding them to leave, was thrown rotten flesh, with the Saristanian shaking their behinds at him. The Thundrarch wished to speak with the Cauldran chairman following the incident.

The Thundran State, looking for further allies, signed a friendship treaty with the southern nation of Yergola, entailing an NAP, a mutual guarantee of independence and economic cooperation. Shortly thereafter, Yergola was assaulted by Saristanians.

Thundra crannog

Yergola war

condemnation of uslan

Exit ouf of rosethorn

Northern troubles




treaty of tortuga

collapse of saristnaia

Crannoghold coup

rise of the imp fed

Reformation into the Ordinal Republic of Thundra



Ashannar, korallriket

Tensions with the Imp fed


Condemnation of Danuvia and the "Hi Thundra" Incident

Provocation in Uslanpolj

While visiting Uslanpolj with Chrassus and Ivan Elvstrom of Sanea, Vinz Izon hurled various insults towards Oakland's governor Brian L. Hawkes. Insults like "Dirty revolutionary", "Uslanpork" and "Oakland belongs under a free sky" were said to the governor of the district. Furthermore, Izon threw 3 Totems of Undying towards him, claiming he would "need them".

Following this incident, Hawkes condemned the actions of the Thundrarch as "not only extremely unprofessional and disrespectful, but also a borderline threat. [...] I am dissapointed by Sanea's complacency, and am forced to question Sanea's role as a mediator in world conflicts". Additionally, Hawkes closed the district of Oakland to all non-Uslan visitors and demanded an apology from the Thundran State.

In response, Vinz Izon went on a rant at a press conference on Donr's gift.

"I am truly, deeply sorry for the Uslan people. Trust me, I am. To be offended by my right of free speech? What an insecure leadership they have. How would a simple charlatan like me pose a threat to the mighty idealogues of revolutionism? Or do so-called "revolutionaries" just hide their insecurities behind the veneer of their ideology? They call it comical that I supposedly called for "the toppling of nations" yet they parade THEIR REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY AROUND THE WORLD! Cauldra, Saristania, Beira, Uslanpolj, my beloved Oakland!" - Vinz Izon

The speech would then expand on the supposed illegal annexation of Oakland, the Saristanian Secession and Cauldra's involvement in the latter. As a result, Uslanpolj denounced Thundra, branding the Nation as "Counter-Revolutionary" and an "Enemy of the State". Diplomatic contact would cease between the two nations.


Thundra is a theocratic parliamentary Republic. Head of state and government is the Thundrarch, who is elected into their position by Donr's Elect.

Donr's Elect is the member of parliament. It is housed in Thundra's parliament, the Stormforge.

Its consitution was wirtten and approved in November 2023, paving the way for Thundra's first official government.

Although not explicitly stated, Vinz Izon, Thundrarch of Thundra, has stated that he disavows any attempt of party formation by Thundran parlamentarians.

Support of Testifikan Rights

Testifikans are seen as close allys of the Thundran people, having helped them while they were still a tribal group. For this reason, Thundrans have always had a staunch pro-Testifikan policy, both in regards to internal development and diplomacy. The Thundran constitution views Testifikans as fully-fledged citizens who may not be harmed.

On the global stage of Cinder, Thundra has often condemned acts of violence and suppression against Testifikans, e.g. Tsagaani "Liberation" of Testifikans or the Danouvian Testifikan Genocide. While many nations view Testifikans as animals, many nations have opened up to the idea of Testifikan rights, such as the S.S.O.C.


Thundra strives for a good-neghbour policy. Ritannia has always been an ally of Thundra, and the predecessor states of Istraks and Syradine had been, too. After the Coalition War Against Crannoghold, Thundran-Crannog relations eased and cemented themselves under the Rule of Chairman Toainsully.

Diplomatic efforts have also stretches out as far the southern Cinder, such as the Thundran-Yergolan Friendsship Treaty and the state visit to the coronation of a new Pope of Pyrannism.

Only few nations have been labelled as Thundran enemies. Cauldra gained this after their support of the Saristanian Secession War, and secessionist Saristania had been labelled this as well. Crannoghold under Flokk Boggerson I. was also viewed as rival state. Furthermore, The People Republic of Uslanpolj had been condemned by Thundra for their treatment of Testifikans and the annexation of Oakland.


Thundra lies on the western side of the Fortican continent. It is mainly covered in plains, with various rivers flowing through out.

Its geography gets more mountainous the more south you go.

One of Thundra's most unqiue geographic traits is the commonality of islands off the coast of and in its territory. It's capital, Donr's gift, had formed with a natural barrier around it, as well as Testifika of which it's moat only needed slight terraforming. Furthernore, both the Industrial Combine of Thundra and Port Zodran are located on islands near but off the coast of mainland Thundra.


Thundran culture and language is inspired by real-life German and nordic inspirations.



Thundran architecture espouses a building style of deepslate and stonebricks mixed with copper and spruce elements. The consitution mandates buildings have copper elements incorporated and a lightning rod attached, though this is rarely followed


Thundra's first widely published book was "Marks of Civilization", published by Vinz Izon. In it, Izondescribes characteristics of civilizations and what make a society civilized.


Thundra is the home of Zodranism.


  • Vinz Izon
  • Rizmin Lupin
  • Emperor Beetroot